利用我们专为 C++ 设计的大语言模型 Mellum 提升您的编码体验。CLion 云代码补全的速度和智能性有所提升,现在涵盖更广的使用场景范围,并具有增强的后缀匹配功能,可以确保预测的代码段正确补全现有代码。 多行代码补全已通过语法高亮显示得到改进,并且现在可以增量式接受代码建议。
Download Free 30-day trial available CLion Nova Call for feedback In this release, our new language engine, CLion Nova, has received a whole host of essential features, such as various language-specific and UI updates. We’ve also fixed some major bugs, including those related to the memory...
一、下载安装篇 1.安装IntelliJ IDEA 官网的下载地址: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/ ,支持mac/windows/linux三大主流平台,我用的是windows版本。 注:IntelliJ IDEA是商业软件,有二个版本, Ultimate Edition是商业版本,功能完善,可以免费试用30天,建议下载该版本学... ...
The feature set corresponds to thePyCharm IDE Community Editionand includes all the essential Python editing features, like code completion, formatting, navigation, etc., as well as Python refactorings, code analysis, and running/debugging/testing the Python part of your project. Get more details...
Please welcome the May edition of C++ Annotated and its companion, the No Diagnostic Required show! If you are already subscribed, feel free to skip to the news. If you are new, though, you are welco
PyCharm Community Edition(Python support) Swift support(available as a separate package for now, so you need to download and install it separately, at least during the EAP) We also have anopen repositorywhere you can find hundreds of plugins created by both JetBrains team and 3rd-party develop...
Today we are happy to share our next compilation of C++ news with you.Subscribe to the regular C++ Annotated and be the first to get the next edition!C++ Annotated: September – December 2017Th
One of the advantages of writing the September edition at the start of October is that we are able to cover the October plenary meeting, which, at the time of writing, has just happened. The plenary is the meeting of the C++ standards committee (WG21) to vote on features of the next ...
Hi all, Welcome to the newest edition of C++ Annotated and its companion, the No Diagnostic Required YouTube show! They are now available in the following formats: The regular digest published month
In this edition: Interviews Conferences News & Stories Releases InterviewsCopy heading link Jon Kalb speaks about CppCon, C++17 standard and C++ communityCopy heading link These months were quiet in terms of conferences, but September is just around the corner with the most well-known and signific...