)#add executable fileADD_EXECUTABLE(../bin/bin${TEST_MATH})#add link libraryTARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(../bin/bin${LIBRARIES}) 或者用下面这个CMakeLists.txt #project namePROJECT(test_math)add_definitions("-Wall -lpthread -g")#head file pathINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(include)#source directoryAUX_SOURCE_DIR...
I would like to know , how to specify the STATIC Library path in CMakeLists.txt to use a static library (.a file) in C++ Linux project in CLion. I have attached the print screen of my application and having error during the BUILD of th...
The CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(Test VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX) add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED foo.cpp) #add sources and execut 浏览0提问于2018-02-22得票数 2 回答已采纳 1回答 CMake文件接口“找不到回复目录” 、、、 我在使用CLION的Docker中的工...
CLion 中的“New Project”(新建项目)向导已经更新,增加了创建 CUDA 项目的新选项:Library (库) 或 Executable (可执行文件)。选中该选项后,它将生成示例 CMakeLists.txt 和 main.cu 文件。 文件扩展名和 CMake 目标 在“New C/C++ Source File”(新建 C/C++ 源文件)对话框中新增了 CUDA 文件扩展名的支...
# add_library(tiff ${TIFF_LIBRARY}) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fPIC") add_subdirectory(core) add_subdirectory(util) add_subdirectory(features) add_subdirectory(math) add_subdirectory(sfm) add_subdirectory(mvs)
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib ) #表示生成的执行文件所在路径 #SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(MedianMachine # PROPERTIES # RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin" #) # add_library(lib/log) add_executable(MedianMachine main.cpp thread/ThreadPool.cpp ...
在开发的时候,我有一个很大的项目,里面包含了 1000 个项目,但是我需要调试里面的一个库,如果直接...
有时候重新打开项目可能会出现编译图标(锤子)灰色的问题,这里给出一种解决方案,即打开CMakeList文件,随后重新加载CMake项目,可以解决,最简单粗暴的办法就是修改CMakeList中的add_executable字段 add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}.elf ${SOURCES} ${LINKER_SCRIPT}) # 改为如下 add_executable(你的项目名称.elf ${...
You can also navigate to the correspondingadd_libraryoradd_executablecommands from the target usage. Alternatively, you can find the usages of the target in your project (Alt+F7): When CMake fails to load because you don’t have the minimum required version of CMake enabled, CLion suggests ...
Use the libstdc++ library instead of libc++. To include libstdc++ in your project, add the following command in CMakeLists.txt: set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -stdlib=libstdc++") Alternatively, go to Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake and specify the library in ...