Gambling online is more convenient and cost-effective than traveling to a casino. You don’t have to risk any money, and there are no real risks involved. Of course, if you’d like to gamble for real money, you’ll need to find a gambling site that accepts your country’s currency. ...
The communities who created these revered locations have established a lasting sense of place, ensuring that Indiana residents will always feel a connection to this region in Madison County. The film was made possible by a grant from the Indiana Humanities. ***Grown In Gary | 2024 | United ...
JOHN DICKERSON: There's a lot of presidential history here in Iowa. It holds the first in the nation Caucasus. Herbert Hoover was born in West Branch. And tonight we're in Pope County for our 11th president with three people who hope to be number 45. Joining me now to question them a...
A defense represented by lies, hidden facts, and misinformation is powerless in a court of the truth. Prosecution knows, you, your lies, and or your complicity is the crime of not being on the side of the truth, of what is right, what is real, the facts. Feel the pressure, good it...
(FWIW my parents are farmers and I grew up in a county that voted overwhelmingly for Trump but yes I do now live in Manhattan in a building that has more people living in it than my entire hometown). We elected a businessman, not a tyrant. There you go again, overhyping and lying....
Don’t pull that “real America” BS. EVERY part of this country is part of the “real America”, for cripes’ sakes. I live in Iowa, and I don’t buy into that “we’re the real America, the people on the coasts are all fakes” crap. It’s stupid and insulting. . And might...
The Marion County GOP headquarters in Ocala, Florida, is haunted. More specifically, the former movie theater that housed the headquarters was haunted, until it…
Harry Hopkins, his right-hand man, was a social worker from Iowa. These were not the cream of the intellectual crop. Now he did have some Harvard- and Yale-certified brains but even these were guys who were sort of in protest. Galbraith: This is a man who spent his entir...
The phone rang at 1 a.m. on Tuesday at the home of Gary Gelner, the Democratic chairman of Iowa’s Hancock County. State party officials wanted the results from two caucus precincts in his rural swatch about 100 miles north of the state capital. ...
From Morning Consult’s analysis:“If the election were held today, Hillary Clinton would win the presidency with 320 electoral college votes to Donald Trump’s 212. Iowa is a dead heat, each at 40.1 percent, and therefore i...