This critically acclaimed movie won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood. Released: 2004 Directed by: Clint Eastwood Also ranks #2 on The Most Devastatingly Sad Sports Movies To Ever Grace The Silver Screen Also ranks #6 on The Best Movies D...
Daniel B. Wood, writer of The Christian Science Monitor
I wish there were a movie I could send to you but you most likely already have it in your collection. Like Reply Andybandit 37 months ago I wish Rawhide was in color. Clint Eastwood was a good looking guy in Rawhide. Just like his son Scott is a good ...
and while the film can’t sustain that intensity, it’s the best of the sequels by a good margin, and one of the most pronounced examples of a recurring theme found in many an Eastwood film: the awfulness of how men treat women and the justifiable anger that creates....
American Sniper (2014) Directed by: Clint Eastwood Written by: Jason Hall (screenplay), Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen, James Defelice (book) Stars: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Ben Reed, Luke Grimes Run Time: 132min Rated:14A (Canada), Rated R (MPAA) for...
With his late-entry contender, the legend may pull off another 'Million Dollar Baby,' but he's got some work to do: "This lefty crowd isn't going to gather around a Navy SEAL best known for killing people," says a rival campaigner.
It’s what connects recent films like “Mystic River” and this year’s misfire “Jersey Boys,” and it’s what extends most prominently into “American Sniper,” Eastwood’s purest and most involving vehicle of tension in years. In fact, the film is a spiritual sequel to “Flags of ...
Working withMillion Dollar Babycinematographer Tom Stern, Eastwood employs a desaturated color palette that borders on black and white during his well-staged combat sequences. While this visual schema nicely mirrors the lustrous silvery hues of Rosenthal’s picture, however, the director’s decision ...
Hero 4 years ago Now, if you clicked you might be wondering what the...but there is a reason for this. I played with a random guy recently who's user name was clinteastwoodyo. We got to talking and it turned out he was from Holland. Seemed like an odd username for there but unfo...
Edgar. Acknowledging that I’ve been a lot fonder of Clint Eastwood’s more recent output than most, and accepting that this film (like many of his recent films) has considerable flaws, I found it a fascinating examination of twentieth century America, explored through the lens of one ...