Despite grave danger and his struggle to be a good husband and father to his family back in the States, Kyle serves four tours of duty in Iraq. However, when he finally returns home, he finds that he cannot leave the war behind. Released: 2014 Directed by: Clint Eastwo...
" BREAKING: Clint Eastwood and Denzel Washington Join Forces to Launch Non-Woke Movie Production Studio." X, 3 Dec. 2024, By Nikki Dobrin Nikki Dobrin is based in Los Angeles and has previously worked at The Walt Disney Company, as ...
Stacker ranked all of Clint Eastwood's films according to their IMDb user rating as of July 2023, with ties
and Clint Eastwood himself paid a portion of the amount required to acquire the book's rights. Philip Kaufman, who overlooked the movie's script and direction, wanted it to be as close to the book as possible. He
Eastwood directed the real-life heroes who bravely thwarted a terrorist attack in 'The 15:17 to Paris.' ET Now Live ET Now ET Now: Keep Watching Watch Latest 6:37 LA Fires: Stars Return Home to Survey Damage 1:13 LA Fires: Inmate Program That Inspired CBS's 'Fire C...
Last night, Clint Eastwood produced the most bizarre and uncomfortable moments in modern convention history. W. Mitt Romney had one hour of primetime television to accept the nomination of the GOP and this is how he decided to kick it off. ...
Clint Eastwood's latest stars Tom Hanks as the man who heroically landed a failing US Airways jet on the Hudson River in the winter of 2009.
Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger who created the real-life "Miracle on the Hudson," bringing a distressed airliner to a safe water-landing on the Hudson River in 2009, and now Clint Eastwood is bringing the miracle to the big screen. Warner Bros. Pictures announced Wednesday that the Aca...
In June, many ofMacFarlane’sfellow jazz fans, includingClint Eastwoodand Morgan Freeman, gathered at the estate of Quincy Jones to raise funds for The Jazz Bakery, a storied club that lost its lease in 2009. Its new home, opening soon in Culver City, finally will gi...