卡梅尔小镇(Carmel) ,是加州蒙特利半岛一个精致的海滨文艺小镇,建镇于二十世纪初期,历史虽还不到百年,但是在美国西岸却是众所皆知,是一座人文荟萃、艺术家聚集,充满波西米亚风味的小城镇。卡梅尔的早期居民90%是专业艺术家,其中著名作家兼 - 宁静的湖水于20230416发
In the 1980s, the famed actor and director Clint Eastwood spent two years as mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, a small California vacation community. Now the century-old home where he lived during that stint is coming on the market for $21 million. ...
Clint Eastwood: small-town mayor. (Carmel, California)Roessing, Walter
Clint Eastwood is an iconic actor and director who has left an indelible mark on Hollywood with his versatile performances and acclaimed films that have entertained audiences for decades.