Supervisionmentoringteachingprofessional developmentrelationshipprofessional rolesClinical supervisors and teachers have a profound influence on the professional development of mental health professionals in training. This paper presents the personal views and experiences of a supervisor and teacher, a supervisee, ...
This book about the clinical supervision of teachers emphasizes the techniques of clinical supervision: ways to work with teachers to help them improve their classroom teaching. The book is intended to serve both as a practical hands-on guide for the inservice principal and school district personnel...
Supervision contracts can be useful tools and should include detail regarding frequency, duration and content of supervision; appraisal and assessment; learning objectives and any specific requirements; (5) Supervision should include clinical management; teaching and research; management and administration; ...
The Impact of Clinical Supervision on the Teaching Effectiveness of Primary School Student Teachers本研究旨在探究臨床視導的實施,對實習教師教學效能的影響情形.研究採準實驗設計,以30 位國小實習教師為研究對象,實驗組與控制組各15 人,實驗組接受臨床視導的指導,控制組則否.研究工具為教學行為綜合觀察表,資料...
High quality teaching and learning in clinical context is promoted through the consideration of all of the factors that facilitate the learning of students and enhance the teaching and supervision skills of teachers. The role of the teacher is of significant importance in this process, promoting feed...
Themes identified were interpreted using cognitive load and sociocultural learning theories to enhance understanding of the findings. Four themes were identified: 'Complex teaching and learning relationships', 'Conceptions of students as learners'; Student communication skills for professional practice', and...
Clinical supervisors included in the study are tasked with clinical teaching in the skills laboratory, supervision, support of nursing students with skills transfer during work integrated learning, and assessment. Purpose To explore the experiences of clinical supervisors regarding the factors that affect ...
Faculty Supervisors' Conceptions of Clinical Supervision in Early Childhood Teachers' Education 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 作者: M Gomez 摘要: Over the past 30 years, studies of teaching and learning in schools have demonstrated that, to improve our educational systems, there is no ...
Introduction to Clinical Teaching for the New Clinical law Professor: A View from the First Floor 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 35 作者: WP Quigley 摘要: New clinical teachers, full of enthusiasm and energy, arrive at the law school having just crossed over into the new vocation of professor...
Investigation of the efficacy of group clinical supervision as an approach for helping supervisors and student teachers examine and test teaching alternatives suggested such advantages as reduction of time pressures, use of modeling behaviors, and increased discussion opportunities. (CB)...