The role of ultrasonography as an adjunct to clinical examination in cattle practice Painful lesions involving the lungs (e.g., pleurisy, pneumonia), heart (e.g., endocarditis) and peritoneum (e.g., traumatic reticulitis, focal peritonitis) can be difficult to differentiate on clinical examinatio...
Predictive values for clinical signs of aboma- sal ulcer disease in adult dairy cattle. Prevent Vet Med 1986; 3: 573-580.Smith DF, Munson L, Erb HN. Predictive values for clinical signs of aboma- sal ulcer disease in adult dairy cattle. Prev Vet Med 1986; 3: 573-580....
However, Mortierella wolfii is a cattle pathogen, the documentation of human infections is scarce and no cases have been described since 2000. Consequently, we will focus only on Mucorales and Entomophthorales infections, called mucormycosis and entomophthoromycosis respectively). Supplementary Table ...
A 5-years-old Iranian cross-breed cattle with a history of anorexia, weakness, dyspnea and weight loss was referred to the Veterinary Clinic of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Clinical signs were included jugular distention, brisket and submandibular edema, slight fever and high heart and res...
The coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses that may cause various symptoms such as pneumonia, fever, breathing difficulty, and lung infection [1]. These viruses are common in animals worldwide, but very few cases have been known to affect humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) used ...
This is by no means a regular rule: the acute abdominal pain of intestinal obstruction usually fluctuates but the lesion is a physical one, whereas the paralysis of parturient paresis in cattle is static but the disturbance is functional. Differentiation among inflammatory, degenerative, and space...
Aetna considers scheduled repeated testing for Lyme disease in a member without a change in signs and symptoms not medically necessary. Concurrent babesiosis or cat-scratch disease is not, in and of itself, considered a medically necessary indication for long-term intravenous antibiotic therapy for Ly...
Mean values and standard deviations for live weights (kg), and incidences (%) of macroscopical lesions in the lungs at slaughter (healing mycoplasma-like pneumonias, pleuritis and presence of lungworms). Regarding white spots in livers, the mean number of white spots per pig is shown Full ...
The herd prevalence ranges between 0 and 43% and the severity of UCD lesions varies between herds. Udder cleft dermatitis lesions heal poorly (Bouma et al., 2016) and have been shown to increase the risk of embolic pneumonia (Millar et al., 2017), affecting both animal health and animal ...
Nevertheless, rFeIFN-ω may be potentially useful for treating CPxV-associated pneumonia and dermatitis in cats. Of note, additional research is needed before this can be confirmed. 4.2.6. Fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma, a common disease in cats, accounts for over 40% of all skin tumors in this ...