Reform, compulsory schooling, and special education in the early 1900s; Influence of Lightner Witmore; Influence of Granville Stanley Hall; Comparisons of Witner and Hall; Initial popularity of child study; Use of Hall's Clark university descendants child study and clinical psychology; Relevance ...
Compulsory schooling, child study, clinical psychology, and special education: Origins of school psychology. American Psychologist, 47, 236-243.Fagan, T. K. (1992). Compulsory schooling, child study, clinical psychology, and special education: Origins of school psychology. Special Issue: The ...
I chose the clinical facility that I did to perform my externship due to a multitude of factors. One was the availability. It was quite difficult to find a facility that met all the requirements that was necessary for me to be able to perform this externship and also gain my interest. Th...
Like that person, even the participant who dearly missed in-person counseling could engage with restoration-oriented activities (that is, those who engaged with and adjusted to life now), even if they were seen as necessary and somewhat unwelcome requirements of continuing to work. In contrast,...
School of Psychology and Counselling, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD 4350, Australia 6 Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. ...
Leiter, R.G.; Miller, L.J.; Roid, G.H.; Pomplun, M.; Koch, C. Leiter International Performance Scale. InLeiter-3, 3rd ed.; Nisonger Center Psychology, Ohio State University: Columbus, OH, USA, 2013. [Google Scholar] Raven, J.; Raven, J. Progressive Matrices. InHandbook of Nonve...
Parents’ emotion socialization practices are an important source of influence in the development of children’s emotional competencies This study examined parental reactions to child negative emotions in a clinical sample using a cluster analysis approa