Risk factors, etiological factors, clinical manifestations and specific implications of osteomyelitisStephen N
Clinical and laboratory manifestations of elderly onset psoriatic arthritis: a comparison with younger onset disease OBJECTIVE: Although the influence of age on clinical and laboratory features has been widely demonstrated in many arthropathies, studies on elderly onset (... L Punzi,M Pianon,P Rossi...
K. kingae endocarditis is often particularly severe in young children, associated with complications such as stroke and meningitis. This chapter describes the epidemiology and clinical manifestations of K. kingae invasive disease. 展开 关键词: Epidemiology Clinical manifestations Symptoms Osteoarticular ...
Although the clinical manifestations of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) can be diverse, the possibility of toxic shock should be considered in any individual who presents with sudden onset of fever, rash, hypotension, and organ failure. [17] Staphylococcal TSS Staphylococcal TSS most commonly occurs in...
16.Objective To discuss the screenage assessment and clinical significance on acute pyogenic osteomyelitis. 目的探讨急化脓骨髓炎的影像学特点及在临床诊断中的价值。 17.Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and pathological features of nemaline myopathy (NM). 目的探讨杆状体肌病的临床表现和病理...
Endocarditis tended to affect the elderly population and the clinical manifestations were quite similar to those caused by Streptococcus viridans. Both patients with osteomyelitis had involvement of the cervical spine with excellent response to antibiotic therapy. The only patient with septicemia acquired ...
Fibrinous Pericardial Mass: A Rare Manifestation of Sarcoidosis? SESSION TYPE: Miscellaneous Case Report Posters IIPRESENTED ON: Tuesday, October 23, 201 at 01:30 PM - 02:30 PMINTRODUCTION: Patients with sarcoidosis are susceptible to the development of various manifestations of infiltrative disease ...
Major chronic manifestations: Chronic pain from: Tissue infarction OsteonecrosisChronic infection: Leg ulcers (most commonly affects the lateral malleoli) Osteomyelitis Chronic hemolysis (intravascular and extravascular) → anemia : Fatigue Pallor Tachycardia Cognitive delay and delayed growth in ...
The final reconstructive surgery was simple among the patients who received surgical intervention within 24 h of being bitten (P = 0.028). Conclusion In patients with snakebites, advanced age, high-risk clinical manifestations (e.g., local ecchymosis and bulla or blister formation), and ...
Noble, M., Lyne, E.Candida osteomyelitis and arthritis from hyperalimentation therapy. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1974, 56, Supplement B: 825–829. PubMedGoogle Scholar Meunier-Carpentier, F.Significance and clinical manifestations of fungemia. In: Klastersky, J. (ed.): Infections in ...