Commentary | Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing - Volume 2, Issue 1 - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/S1361-9004(98)80078-2R.WatsonClinical Effectiveness in Nursing
Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research (JCNR)is an international, peer reviewed and open access journal that seeks to promote the development and exchange of knowledge which is directly relevant to all clinical and nursing research and practice. Articles which explore the meaning, prevention, treat...
Assessing the quality of simulation-based research articles: A rating rubric. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11(12), 496-504. 10.1016/j.ecns.2015.10.005 to prepare your manuscript for review. In addition, the Journal endorses specific reporting guidelines when writing any ...
Special Issue "Clinical Nursing and Quality of Healthcare" A special issue of Clinics and Practice (ISSN 2039-7283). Deadline for manuscript submissions:25 February 2023 01 Special Issue Editors 02 Special Issue Information Dear Colleagues, Today, systems and health professionals are focusing more s...
Premedical students become well acquainted with the competitiveness of the medical school admissions process. Between strong academic achievements and well-rounded extracurricular activities, standing out in a sea of qualified applicants can be challenging. However, one area that can s...
Improved staff empowerment is clearly linked to these propositions. Top-down care strategies from senior leaders must be paired with bottom-up unit champions that allow customization. The traditional role of nursing as solely concerned with patient care (without involvement in the operational framework)...
The Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice (AMTCP) Book Series brings together the most recent research on the latest technology used in areas of nursing informatics, clinical technology, biomedicine, diagnostic technologies, and more. Researchers, students, and practitioners in this fiel...
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There are limitations in the infrastructure, and inadequate resources in the skills laboratory. Findings regarding the work environment included inconsistencies between clinical nursing education and expectations in practice; insufficient appropriate learning opportunities; student absenteeism; and lack of ...
Evidences have identified clinical learning environment as one of the key factor to achieve the desired out comes. Students often face challenges during the courses of clinical learning, which may affect their competence. The aim was to explore challenges faced by nursing students in clinical ...