between the single- and double-injection groups, there was a reduction in cartilage volume losses in the double- vs. single-injection groups. Interestingly, as in this example, we have noticed a pattern in which structural changes and PROMs tend to occur independently, with improvements in only ...
Fig. 1: An example of clinical coding, manual and automated (linked with solid and dashed arrows, respectively), with ICD-9-CM codes from a clinical note in the MIMIC-III data set20 of ICU patients in 2001–2012 in a hospital in the US. Dashed arrows between clinical coders and the ...
For example, it would be important to evaluate if different drugs might have a distinct efficacy in patients with DKD with and without albuminuria. Combination therapy with SGLT-2is and MRAs also need to be better explored to understand if benefits are additive. Additional clinical and real-...
Intensity modulated proton therapy: a clinical example. Med Phys. 2001;28:317–24.Lomax A.J., Boehringer T., Coray A., Egger E., Goitein G., Grossmann M., Juelke P., Lin S., Pedroni E., Rohrer B., et al. Intensity modulated proton therapy: A clinical example. Med. Phys. ...
For example, 1 fatal incident occurred on a family outing, when a soft baseball gently tossed underhand by a father to 6-year-old son deflected off the heal of his glove striking the child's chest. In competitive circumstances, 13 cases were batters (or in 1 case an umpire without a ...
of PASC are providing some insights in adults,49,50further research is required to determine how the lung pathophysiology in children differs from adults both in acute COVID-19 infection (for example, increased susceptibility to infection or asthma) and in the mechanisms driving long-term symptoms...
(but number of amendments is often not the reflection of protocol quality). Other example for measuring the quality includes the number of data clarifications forms (DCFs) raised per case report form (CRF); increase in the number of data queries indicates the poor data quality. Based on ...
Frailty is a dynamic entity where an individual can transition between states. For example, hospitalisation can transition an older adult from robust to frail (24,52). On the other hand, being physically active may reverse frailty development — at least partially (29,53,54). Thus, understandin...
Statin treatment is associated with an increased risk of trigger finger During 833 390 person-years of follow-up, we identified 1056 incident cases of trigger finger according to our ICD code criteria (626 women and 430 men). The incidence rates for trigger finger were 1.4/1000 person-years ...
RDs characteristically manifest at a restricted retinal locus or cell type in the earliest stages of the disease, rod death in RP being a prime example of this feature. However, it is unlikely that the physiology in the rest of the retina remains intact. Besides stressors such as oxidative ...