URSULA WILDER: I stayed because my impression was confirmed. And I realized that throughout my career I would be doing a series of very interesting things. It's like a bunch of mini-careers, all applied clinical psychology. And again, I was impressed with the history of psychology...
Here, patients are asked to communicate their subjective pain impression. To enable comparability, several variations of the so-called pain rating scales have been introduced in the past. Their purpose is to provide a fixed setup to reliably express pain based on given anchors or a framework, ...
Individual participant written consent (witnessed thumb impression for illiterate participants) for the effectiveness coverage component of the trial will be obtained from those who are eligible to enrol in this component of the trial. Additional consent provisions for collection and use of particip...
In Groopman’s [3] words, “The physical examination begins with the first visual impression in the waiting room, and with the tactile feedback gained by shaking a person’s hand. Hypotheses about the diagnosis come to a doctor’s mind even before a word of the medical history is spoken...
Indeed, individuals with an initial negative impression of aging tended to have poorer memory capabilities, they described themselves as having worse physical health with age (over a 28-year period), and they developed considerably more cardiovascular issues.27–29 This negative impact is even ...
In current classification systems, selective mutism (SM) is included in the broad anxiety disorders category. Indeed, there is abundant evidence showing th
Additional support for this impression comes from the evaluation survey. The results indicate that the students in the KF arm experienced more time pressure and a higher work-load, and that they perceived the material as more difficult. The bottom line is that while the students in the ...
To be included in the study, subjects required a DSM-IV diagnosis of TS, were 7 to 65 years of age, had moderate-to-severe symptoms (Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS) greater than or equal to 19), were markedly impaired as determined by the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale ...
AB feels useless and has the impression AB does everything wrong. All attempts to cheer AB up have failed. AB lost all interest in things and is not motivated to do anything. AB complains of often waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to ...
(where available) is used both to support and quantify the clinical impression and to reveal additional cognitive deficits that may not be emphasised in the clinic but define the overall syndrome (see Fig.1). Brain imaging (wherever feasible, MRI) is essential to rule out brain tumours and ...