This summary is based on the National Stroke Foundation Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2010 which have been approved by the NHMRC and endorsed by the Royal College of Nursing, Australia. It presents a sub-set of recommendations from the Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management considered ...
Drying a "wet" algal electrode at 50掳C for 60 min increases photocurrent output capacity by 100-fold. We have studied the effect of various parameters on photocurrent generation. The magnitude of the photocurrent increased with increasing light intensity and depended on the nature of the ...
Systematic review of the quality of clinical guidelines for aphasia in stroke management Rationaleaims and objectivesAphasia affects up to 38% of stroke survivors. Clinical guidelines can improve patient care and outcomes. Given the importance ... MP Candidate,Linda Worrall BSpPath PhD Professor ...
Recommended measures for control of blood pressure in stroke patients at the superacute, acute and chronic stages were presented in two guidelines in 2004 (The Guideline for the Management of Hypertension and The Guideline for the Management of Stroke). We have investigated the discrepancy between...
Communication and swallowing disorders are a common consequence of stroke. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have been created to assist health professionals to put research evidence into clinical practice and can improve stroke care outcomes. However,
Currently, KDIGO is updating 2 existing guidelines on Blood Pressure in CKD and Glomerular Diseases, respectively. In addition, KDIGO convened a group of experts to develop these guideline recommendations related to Diabetes Management in CKD. This is a new guideline area for KDIGO and is the ...
Focused Update on Aspirin for Primary Stroke Prevention in Korean Clinical Practice Guidelines for Stroke The first edition of the Korean clinical practice guidelines for primary stroke prevention reflects evidence published before June 2007. Since then, several clinical studies and meta-analyses have been...
Multi system involvement is also common and this can pose additional management dilemmas for doctors. The Newcastle Mitochondrial Disease Clinical Guidelines aim to provide expert guidance to health professionals in the management of mitochondrial disease....
“Management of Atherosclerotic Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease: 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS).“17 Because of these publications, the Society for Vascular Surgery elected to update their 2011 guidelines, because vascular surgeons play a major...
ACEP’s Clinical Policy on Acute Ischemic Stroke May 9, 2024-Bruce Lo, MD, MBA, RDMS, FACEP-0 Comment The clinical policy on the management of adult patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with acute… Read More When Can You Discharge Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage from the ...