A Clinical Frailty Score (CFS) was assigned retrospectively using the Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale. Results: Eight hundred sixty patients were reviewed (male:female 258:602, mean age 83 卤 8.2). Each consecutive stepwise increase in CFS was independently associated with ...
The estimated prognos of a patient might influence the expected benefit/risk ratio of different interventions. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) score as an independent predictor of short-, mid- and long-t
The subgroup analyses were (1) medical vs surgical vs trauma patients; (2) age (>75 years vs 65-75 years vs <65 years); (3) Baseline Clinical Frailty Score (≥532 vs ≤4); (4) patients receiving antibiotics the day of randomization and the 2 preceding days vs other patients; and ...
The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a practical and efficient tool for assessing frailty; however, its ability to predict outcomes has not been well studied within the acute medical service. To examine the CFS in elderly patients admitted to the acute medical ward and its association with ...
Validation of the clinical frailty score (CFS) in French language. BMC Geriatr. 2019;19(1):322. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Nissen SK, Fournaise A, Lauridsen JT, Ryg J, Nickel CH, Gudex C, et al. Cross-sectoral inter-rater reliability of the clinical frailty scale -...
Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a grey-level textural measurement acquired from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry lumbar spine images and is a validated inde
OriginalInvestigation | GeriatricsComparingtheHospitalFrailtyRiskScoreandtheClinicalFrailtyScaleAmongOlderAdultsWithChronicObstructivePulmonaryDiseaseExacerbationMelanieChin,MD,MScHQ;TetyanaKendzerska,MD,PhD;JiroInoue,PhD;MichaelAw,BHSc;LindaMardiros,BSc;ChristopherPease,MD,MSc;MelissaK.Andrew,MD,PhD;SmitaPakhale...
A 83-year-old woman visits the falls clinic for analysis of recurrent falls. Multifactorial falls risk assessment (including comprehensive geriatric assessment [1]) reveals a clinical frailty score of 5, HFpEF with an episode of congestive heart failure three years ago, hypertension, type 2 diabete...
While some considered it would be helpful to have a formal frailty measure with an easy to understand score, others reported that it did not add anything to a detailed assessment. Several respondents indicated that it would be a helpful tool for non-geriatricians, particularly to assist in ...
Frailty is a new concept in rheumatology that can help identify people more likely to have less favorable outcomes. Sarcopenia and inflammaging can be rega