The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a simple, clinically-assessed frailty measure; however, few studies have investigated interrater reliability of the CFS in the surgical setting. The objective of this study was to determine the interrater reliability of frailty classificat...
0.93]). Discussion: Frailty is a strong predictor of adverse outcomes in older people hospitalized with acute illness. An increased awareness of its impact may alert clinicians to screen for frailty.Keywordsoutcomes, frailty, elderly inpatients, length of stay, death1...
Of these, three were conducted in Australia, one in Brazil, four in Canada, sixteen in Europe, two in India, three in Japan, four in South East Asia, seven in South Korea; 27 studies included men and 36 included women. Incident fragility fracture rates ranged from 8 to 31% and for ...
Department of Intensive Care, Austin Hospital, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Ary Serpa Neto Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit, ASST Dei Sette Laghi, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy Paolo Severgnini Consortia for the POSITiVE II–investigators Martin H....
(78). FRAIL has been recommended in Australia as a screen for all older persons, where it can act as a “canary in the coal mine” (79); the Australian Government’s MyAgedCare website (the main point of entry into the aged care system), details information for older adults and aged...
When an upper age limit is being considered, trial investigators should first contemplate whether age is serving as a proxy for some other age-associated characteristic, such as frailty, fall risk, or bleeding risk. In such cases, it may be possible to replace the age exclusion with an ...
Here in the U.S., the FDA-approved intranasal form of naloxone delivers 4mg per spray, whereas in this RCT by Dietze et al in Australia, a dose of 0.8mg was used. The pharmacokinetics of 4mg of intranasal spray cannot be extrapolated from this study’s findings. The FDA has minimum ...
Georgina Long from the Melanoma Institute of Australia and her colleagues. So as we know, nivolumab plus relatlimab and nivo plus ipi, I'm going to refer to as ipi-nivo moving forward, are dual immune checkpoint inhibitors regimens that are approved for treating patients with advanced melanoma...
Health care providers have reported low knowledge, skill, and confidence for discussing movement behaviours (i.e., physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep), which may be improved with the use of tools to guide movement behaviour discussions in
intracranial bleed, we assessed the consistency of treatment effect across several subgroups, including age (65-74, 75-84, and ≥85 years), sex (male and female), smoking status (current and former or never), diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, frailty category, and country (Australia and ...