The effects of DNA methylation on gene activity primarily depend on different genomic regions, including CpG islands, intergenic regions, and genomic regions. Genome-wide analysis has shown that CpG islands are present in 60% of the promoter regions of the human genome [13], suggesting that dynam...
Hypoxia often, though not always, increases the secretion of exosomes in various tumor cells through direct (cargo sorting, transport of MVBs and fusion with the plasma membrane) and indirect (metabolic reprogramming, induction of an acidic microenvironment, and effects on calcium and other regulatory...
Flavonoids are a category of plant-derived compounds which exhibit a large number of health-related effects. One of the most well-known and studied flavonoids is kaempferol, which can be found in a wide variety of herbs and plant families. Apart from their anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory...
The side effects of cisplatin, including nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and decreased heart function, preclude 30–50% of BCa patients from safe cisplatin-based treatment [127]. The ineligibility criteria are summarized in Box 1. Various non-cisplatin-based alterna- tives, such as gemcitabine/...
These reviews are helpful to understand specific molecular pathways of oncogenesis, on specific prognostic information and all other outcomes they are related to, or on both. An overview summarizing the discovery and evaluation of blood-based biomarkers for metastatic disease, in terms of their ...
Functional effects of KCNE3 mutation and its role in the development of Brugada syndrome. Circ. Arrhythm. Electrophysiol. 2008, 1, 209–218. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 43. Ohno, S.; Zankov, D.P.; Ding, W.G.; Itoh, H.; Makiyama, T.; Doi, T.; Shizuta, S.; Hattori, T.; ...
The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effects of two distinct microbial strategies—antibiotic pre-treatment and repeated FMT dosing—on IBD outcomes. A systematic literature review was designed and implemented in accordance with the Preferred Re- porting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-...