Informed consent was obtained from all patients in accordance with the National Statement of Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007. Additional approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Cancer specialists throughout Australia were contacted via ...
Nursing students’ clinical learning is premised on experiences in clinical placements in nurse education, with the processes and outcomes of tripartite meetings among the student, nurse preceptor and teacher being central components. The tripartite meet
All interviews were de-identified, labeled with only a study ID, and entered in NVivo 1.7.1 (QSR, Doncaster, Australia) for data management and analysis. Interviews were conducted until thematic saturation was reached, defined as the point at which no new themes emerged during interviews and ...
Students can pursue Health Care Management courses to opt for a clinical research coordinator career path. Here, in this article, we will discuss is clinical research coordinator is a good career, what does a clinical research coordinator do or clinical research coordinator roles and ...
talked about in terms of preparedness where students have all the knowledge and skills required to smoothly transition into WCT and do not feel overwhelmed. This also included some talk of student orientation and familiarisation with the physical workplace, usually through classroom-to-clinic courses....
coding units and reviewed the text several times. During this process, the coding units were merged into context units by the three authors. The context units included several coding units and reflected more than one key statement or thought. The context units were combined into categories based ...
South Australia Biography Research Interest Editorial Board Member Dr. Prashant N Amale Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology Priyadarshini J. L College of Pharmacy India Biography Research Interest Editorial Board Member Dr. A. Heidari, Ph.D., D.Sc. ...
Groups were recorded and transcribed verbatim; data were analysed using thematic coding. Setting Three focus groups in London, Birmingham and Manchester facilitated recruitment from all regions of England. Participants Purposive sampling (n = 26) ensured representation of stakeholders for ACP (e.g. ...
DMRChr11 contained two DMPs within a 447-bp region that overlapped with the gene body of uncharacterised long noncoding RNA LOC101929295. DMRChr15 was hypermethylated in the severe group with a maximum Δmeth of 8.7% (Additional file 1: Fig. S4B). cg10070864 was the strongest DMP in ...
Three reminders were posted on the online course management system (Moodle, Australia). Inclusion criteria were enrollment in one of the targeted courses at the scheduled time and completion of both clinical decision-making vignettes. Students who did not complete one of the vignettes were excluded....