Annals of Clinical Case Reports (ISSN: 2474-1655) is one of the best online open access international journal. We follow strict review process for each and every article under the guidance of our esteemed Editorial and Reviewers team.
期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI) 注:SCI已经完全被SCIE取代,参考:SCI被取代 否 是否是ESCI ESCI简介 ESCI索引 是否是SSCI 否 JCR分区 nan JCR影响因子 0.0 中科院分区信息2021年数据 中科院分区基础版2022年以后将不再发行基础版
Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Experimental, Translational and Clinical 该刊是一份经过同行评审的开放获取国际期刊,出版多发性硬化症的实验、转化和临床主题等广泛领域的研究。 影响因子:2.8 British Journal of Pain 该刊是一份同行评审的季刊,由一个国际多学科编辑委员会负责。该期刊发表原创研究和综述,内容涉及疼痛...
Short name:Open J Clin Med Case Rep NLM/PubMed ID:101658769 Acceptance rate:50% Submission to acceptance:30 days Acceptance to publication:10 days Volume:9 (2023) Impact Factor:2.1 Open Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports is an international, open access, peer reviewed Journal mainly...
Clinical Case Reports Journal (ISSN 2767-0007) is international, open access, peer-reviewed, online journal introduced to explore new approaches in clinical research. Our journal promises to the entire scientific society on publishing updated knowledge o
The journal publishes case reports in a variety of disciplines in endocrinology, including diabetes, metabolic bone disease and osteoporosis, thyroid disease, pituitary and lipid disorders. Journal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology Case Reports is an open access publication. Join the conversation ...
Journal Indexed In: ICMJE About the Journal Journal of Clinical Images and Case Reportsis an international peer reviewed and open access journal that aims to publish clinical images pertaining to medical conditions. The Journal provides a platform for securing visual images concerning medical cases that...
Clinical case reports journal are key source of evidence in medicine and our aim is to directly improve global health and convey an important teaching point about a common or important clinical scenario and generate a more expanded search for evidence.
International Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case Reports as the name itself elaborates it’s a flourishing Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal which publishes novel research work in the form of Case Reports, Clinical Images, Case Studies, Short Communications, Commentaries, Technical Notes, Re...
The Journal of Clinical Oncology: Case Reports publishes original scientific results that are of immense significance; moreover, articles pertaining to technical advancements and conceptual understanding of the field are also showcased in the journal.