Despite the increasing incidence of pregnancy-associated breast cancer, pregnant and lactating people continue to be excluded from randomized controlled trials aimed at breast cancer prevention, dete...
We can see that patterns (A)–(E) detect typical treatment behaviors of the patients with gastric cancer, bronchial lung cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and breast cancer respectively. Discovered pattern (F) tends to capture variant treatment behaviors of oncology patients who have serious ...
By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your perso...
Abbreviation: RCT, randomized controlled trial; NA, not available; y, year; TNBC, triple-negative breast cancer; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; OS, overall survival; RR, response rate; ORR, overall response rate; BOR, best overall response; DOR, duration-of-response; DCB, durable clini...
Abbreviation for the SI unit (gray) for radiation dose (1 Gy= 1 J kg−1). It is the absorbed dose per unit mass of tissue. The corresponding CGS unit is the rad (100 rad = 1 Gy). The rad is not recommended for use in the scientific literature. Photons A photon is a quantum ...
Identify the following diseases or conditions from the diagnostic abbreviation: CHF Give a brief definition of Acidosis. (a) What does it mean to be in a diseased state? (b) How do we define disease? (c) How do you know if you have or are diseased? (d) Can any abnormality in norm...
[1.05–1.14] < 0.001 Abbreviation: uOR unadjusted Odds Ratio, aOR adjusted Odds Ratio, CI confidence interval, IQR interquartile range, FDA Food and Drug Administration a The most common primary endpoints used in phase 3 clinical trials other than overall survival and quality of life metrics ...
cancer therapies is the ability to sample diseased tissues and thereby distinguish the biological and molecular events responsible for individual diseases or disease subgroups within a disease cluster1. Thus, skin, breast or prostate biopsies have been important starting points for the investigation of ...
Abbreviation: 1Mainat: made to measure-pressure garment. 3.3. Inter-tester reliability – Observer scale For the parameters of OSAS, the inter-tester reliability between the three testers was generally poor with ICC-values < 0.70 (Table 3). For each of the pair-wise analyses, only one parame...
However, their pre-trained BERT on this domain was not public and aimed at breast cancer, not the general medical records. Besides word embedding, some other features are also important to improve the Chinese CNER task. One of them is the dictionary feature. Since clinical texts contain a ...