The woman in the helicopter told Jim to climb up the ladder and get in. 上面的女人让吉姆顺着梯子爬到直升机上。 2. Explore 6 different careers paths and climb up the ladder step by step. 探索不同职业和6路径一步步爬上梯子一步。 3. To climb up the...
climb up the ladder基本解释 爬上梯子 分词解释 climb& vi. 爬上,攀登 up在上面,在高处 ladder梯子,阶梯 猜你喜欢 chaos is a ladder混乱是一个阶梯 the climb攀登(the climb,歌名) career ladder职业阶梯 climb down(在辩论、争论中)认错,服输,改变意图(或要求) climb mountains爬山 climb over爬过 ...
例如,“climb up the ladder to success”可以表示“攀登成功的阶梯”,寓意通过不断努力和进步,最终取得成功。 'climb up the ladder'在职场或事业上的隐喻意义 除了基本含义外,“climb up the ladder”在职场或事业上还常被用作隐喻,表示通过不断努力和晋升,达到更高的职位或...
climb up the ladder如何读 英:[klaim ʌp ðə ˈlædə] 美:[klaɪm ʌp ði ˈlædɚ] climb up the ladder是什么意思 爬得很高,飞黄腾达,官运亨通 climb up the ladder 例句 1.I suddenly felt an insect crawling up my leg. ...
climb up the ladder 爬上阶梯,爬上社会顶层,飞黄腾达 climb the ladder 上绞架,被处绞刑 climb up v. 爬上 put up a ladder 架起梯子 move up the corporate ladder 晋升 go up the ladder 爬得很高, 飞黄腾达, 官运亨通 climb on phr. 爬到…上 at the climb (黑话)当飞贼; 专干从屋...
JADHU - Climb Up The Ladder
“climb up the ladder”别理解成“爬上梯子”大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——climb up the ladder, 这个短语的含义不是指“爬上梯子”,其正确的含义是:climb up the ladder 飞黄腾达,逐渐变得成功或有权力 (往上爬)You need to climb the ladder a bit...
climb up climb up是什么意思、climb up怎么读 读音:英[klaɪm ʌp] 美[klaɪm ʌp] climb up 基本解释 爬上 词组短语 1、climb upthe ladder 爬上阶梯,爬上社会顶层,飞黄腾达 2、climb upand down 爬上爬下 3、climb upcarefully 小心爬上去...
全站首发--Climb Up The Ladder第11-20关全三星完美通关攻略 I赤柱I 140 0 DVlpoer所有系列实录音乐(具体疑问看简介) I赤柱I 3169 10 Stick Ranger新号从Forest 1平推至Seaside 4通关攻略--银冠在手,天下我有 I赤柱I 73 0 不要逃脱4游玩第二章-严寒来袭--面对极端暴风雪天气的侥幸生存 I赤柱I 192...
climb up the ladder(梯子)) fall off the wallthrow sandeat this nice cakemake a big castle(城堡)wash your handsGrandma and PatGrandma looks after Pat all day.She takes her to the park.(1),Pat Clever gir.DOn't^2Don't3That's naughty.Let's4)That's good.Now,⑤,Pat.Are you hungry,...