On a day which saw class records fall like ninepins in the sunshine, the outright hill record remained intact although Willis’s chief rival Will Hall qualified fastest for the opening run-off in with a class record breaking time that would stand as FTD. Neither Willis nor Hall could get c...
I love Anna’s sunshine, positive attitude, along with her absolute faith in God。 The nicknames are hilarious and had me chuckling out loud。 Wonderful characters and storyline as are all the others in this series。couldn’t put it down。I received a complimentary copy of this book and th...
I don't like me. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wish I didn't. I'm not a really happy person anymore. But you're Kyle. You're the best person I know. You make people happier just by being yourself. You're like a ray of sunshine. And I'm sorry if what I did ...
camp 3 and the remaining members of our team and all of our remaining sherpas are going to depart basecamp at 1:00 am in the morning to work their way up through the icefall and on up into camp 2, in order to try our luck on getting to the top of the world's highest mountain....
mighty cirques with hanging glaciers. Up and up we climbed, but the mountains climbed ever faster. From my right side window, the snowy face of a looming mountain grew closer and closer, until it looked like I could reach out and touch it. On the other side, another mountain was hurtlin...