Mapping of agroforestry systems and Salix species in Western Himalaya agroclimatic zone of Indiadoi:10.18520/cs/v121/i10/1347-1351INDIAAGROFORESTRYWILLOWSSPECIESIn the present study, agroforestry was mapped in nine districts from Western Himalayan Region. The ag...
Malaria continues to be a critical public health concern in India, predominantly driven by complex interplays of ecological, climatic, and socioeconomic factors. Methods This study aimed to assess the association between climatic variables (temperature and precipitation) and malaria incidence across India...
This paper examines the potential of a simple desiccant evaporative cooling cycle in five selected cities in Warm and Humid climatic zone of India. The coefficient of performance (COP) has been computed for each location and compared. It has been found that COP for different cities varies in ...
This zone is marked by a conspicuous intercalation of a brown organic rich layer between 41 and 44 cm. From 55 cm till the bottom at 100 cm, the section exhibits mostly coarse sand along with abundant gravels. From 70 cm downwards, the sediments also contain some shell pieces. ...
A total of 26 indicators, spread across these four dimensions, were employed to purport inter- and intra-agro-climatic zone differentials in the level of resilience. Among the zones, it was found that West Coast Plains & Ghats and Tans-Gangetic Plains had the highest degree of resilience to ...
These regions mainly located at temperate zone without dry season (Cf, 32.3%), temperature zone with dry winter (Cw, 14.8%), cold zone without dry season (Df, 20%), arid steppe zone (Bs, 12.6%) according to the Koppen-Geiger climate classification of the world39. Based on the climatic...
The epicentral areas were located in the Chinese Loess Plateau (Figures 3 and 4b) (Lou, 1996) which is one of the most important agricultural areas (wheat zone) of China (Zhang, 1982; Pei and Zhang, 2014; Wei et al., 2014) and the most severe erosion regions in the world (Wang et...
The African study showed a 1 °C increase in temperature and a 1% increase in humidity to be associated with a 15.1% and 3.6% reduction in the number of daily confirmed COVID-19 cases, respectively11. Similarly, studies conducted in India, USA and Mexico showed that temperature has a ...
Su H, Han G, Li L, Qin H (2021) The impact of macro-scale urban form on land surface temperature: an empirical study based on climate zone, urban size and industrial structure in China. Sustain Cities Soc 74:103217 ArticleGoogle Scholar ...
Analysing the link between terrestrial ecosystem productivity (i.e., Net Primary Productivity: NPP) and extreme climate conditions is vital in the context of increasing threats due to climate change. To reveal the impact of changing extreme conditions on