When we speak of Southern California as a climate, or a place to live, we usually mean that part of the country lying between the ocean and a range of mountains forming an irregular semicircle and extending from a point near to and north of Santa Barbara to a point some miles back of ...
A comparison of the sclerophyllous vegetation characteristic of Mediterranean type climates in France, California, and Southern Australia. I. Structure, mo... A comparison was made of the plant communities characteristic of the Mediterranean type climatic regions of France, California, and southern ...
South of Los Angeles, and near the border with Mexico, we find San Diego, where the climate is similar to that of the L.A. coast. The deserts In the United States, there are four desert areas, contiguous to each other. The northernmost is the Great Basin, an area that covers most...
Atmospheric Environment 26A: 373–380 CAS Google Scholar Westman WE (1985) Air pollution injury to coastal sage scrub in the Santa Monica Mountains, Southern California. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 26: 19–41 Article CAS Google Scholar Download references...
(One has to discipline herself to order bulbs when it is 95 degrees with 80% humidity, as it is here today!)” We sent Gaye’s bulbs to her last week, but we’re still not sure whether our Dutch-grown moschatus –or the very similar ‘Colleen Bawn’ –is exactly the same as ...
Similar content being viewed by others A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records Article StableClim, continuous projections of climate stability from 21000 BP to 2100 CE at multiple spatial scales ArticleOpen access12 October 2020 ...
Geological Survey daily discharge data for sixteen catchments in Northern California and Southern Oregon, as detailed in Table 1. These catchments are characterized by seasonally dry Mediterranean climates, in which the wet season and the “growing season” (i.e., summer, with highest insolation ...
state-level time series for California show a dynamic transition from biennial outbreaks to annual outbreaks in 1999. At the county level we observe biennial cycles persisting from 1999 onward in California but with northern counties and southern counties out-of-phase (Supplementary Fig.4). This su...
Coastal communities throughout the world are exposed to numerous and increasing threats, such as coastal flooding and erosion, saltwater intrusion and wetland degradation. Here, we present the first global-scale analysis of the main drivers of coastal fl
"In forty years of teaching similar material to undergraduates, I have not seen a better book. The subject is the science that underlies climate. Each chapter focuses in depth on one or two important concepts. Mathematics is avoided when not needed. But Ingersoll is not compromising. He gives...