Seed zones for forest tree species are a widely used tool in reforestation programs to ensure that seedlings are well adapted to their planting environments. Here, we propose a climate-based seed zone system for Mexico to address observed and projected climate change. The pro...
Areas with the second type of arid climate,semiarid (dry steppe)(BS), receive 250–750 mm (10–30 in) of rain a year. This is the climate of the African savanna lands and much of central Asia. In Mexico, this climate region includes most of the Central Plateau as well as western s...
In this study, a change in the severity of increased extreme precipitation is investigated across CONUS. CONUS has diversities in climate zones, geomorphological features, and water vapor sources from the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean11. Because of this diversity, incre...
Most of Mexico’s principal towns and cities away from the coasts aresituated at elevation: Mexico City is situated at over 7,000 feet above sea level, and many of the places in Mexico’s colonial heartland are situated at elevations of at least 5,000 feet above the sea. The elevation c...
This paper synthesizes what is known about the physical and biophysical impacts of climate change and their consequences for societies and development unde
The world’s warm deserts are predicted to experience disproportionately large temperature increases due to climate change, yet the impacts on global desert biodiversity remain poorly understood. Because species in warm deserts live close to their physio
When a tropical cyclone moves over land, this energy is severely depleted and the circulation of the winds is consequently weakened. Such storms are truly phenomena of the tropical oceans. They originate in two distinct latitude zones, between 4° and 22° S and between 4° and 35° N. ...
It was a stark reminder that nowhere is safe fromclimate-worsened extreme weather risks: Hurricanes arriving from the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic seaboard. Hail in the Midwest. Floods in the East. Sea level rise along the coasts. Wildfires in the West, most recently exemplified bythe devastatin...
Growth and development of cereal crops are linked to weather, day length and growing degree-days (GDDs) which make them responsive to the specific environments in specific seasons. Global temperature is rising due to human activities such as burning of f
The behavior of viruses such as coronaviruses is affected by environmental conditions, especially climatic conditions (Rosario et al. 2020). Also, the terrain and geography can cause different climates in zones. Industrial and economic development also may cause air pollution. Thus, relationships betwe...