(2021). Impacts of off-farm employment on welfare, food security and poverty: Evidence from rural Vietnam. International Journal of Social Welfare, 30(1), 84–96. Article Google Scholar Elahi, E., Weijun, C., Zhang, H., & Nazeer, M. (2019). Agricultural intensification and damages ...
Like many other African countries, incidence of drought is increasing in Nigeria. In this work, spatiotemporal changes in droughts under different representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios were assessed; considering their greatest impacts on l
Vulnerability Assessment in the Urban Coastal Zone of Viet Nam in Responding to Climate Change, Case Study in Ha Long CityMai Trong NhuanLuu Viet DungNguyen Thi Hong HueTran Dang QuyHoang Van TuanMai,T.H., Luu,V.D., and Nguyen,T.H.H. (2010). Vulnerability Ass...
On behalf of future generations, we have to act right now. The world is facing unparalleled challenges from climate change. There’s an immediate need to reduce our impact. We prioritize carbon reductions in our products while also transitioning to renewable energy, and supporting climate-impacted...
of potential advantages and disadvantages associated with green surfaces, multidisciplinary studies have been used to assess their overall value13. Although other aspects such as increased urban wildlife habitats and regulation of building temperatures are also prevalent, the mitigation of the stormwater ...
of tropical rainforest occur elsewhere in the tropics whereverclimateis suitable. The principal areas of tropical deciduous forest (ormonsoon forests) are in India, the Myanmar–Vietnam–southern coastalChinaregion, and easternBrazil, with smaller areas in South and Central America north of the...
On behalf of future generations, we have to act right now. The world is facing unparalleled challenges from climate change. There’s an immediate need to reduce our impact. We prioritize carbon reductions in our products while also transitioning to renewable energy, and supporting climate-impacted...
Estimation of probability distribution of shear strength of slip zone soils in Middle Jurassic red beds in Wanzhou of China. Landslides 14, 2165-2174. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-017-0890-z [93] Wang, A., Price, D.T., Arora, V., 2006. Estimating changes in global vegetation ...
Vietnam China Korea U.S. Decarbonizing Our value chain Continued carbon emission reductions in upstream and downstream operations Value chain carbon reduction roadmap 2022 - Energy efficiency of leading models of seven major product categories improved by 16% compared to 2019 2023 - Energy efficien...
2005). Resistant traditional cultivars are found in countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Indonesia and Vietnam where TLB has occurred for a long period of time. In the Pacific region CePaCT, Fiji maintains a collection of TLB-resistant varieties developed through breeding ...