(2011) Rodrigues et al. RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2019. The knowledge of the climate risks at small scales is yet essential for agricultural activities and production like vine growing, because of their serious economics impacts. We know that some meteorological
1, with additional examples of the missing risks categories described in the main text. Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted ...
River-based cage aquaculture in Northern Thailand involves dealing with a number of climate- and weather-related risks. The purpose of this study was to improve understanding of how farmers make investment decisions in their fish farms when faced with risks from floods that are imperfectly known, ...
Table 1 provides examples of climate-related financial risks by transmission channel (i.e., physical, transition), financial risk type (i.e., credit, market, liquidity, operational, reputational), and subsector (i.e., banking, insurance, investment); because large financial institutions often pro...
Transition risksaffecting the investment portfolios and investment funds managed by CEAM arise from the impact of the process of adjustment to an environmentally sustainable economy. Examples include: climate-related regulation developments such as the introduction of carbon taxes; ...
We conclude that people's perception increases when these risks have direct and negative consequences on their own lives.Simone CerroniSocial ence Electronic Publishing
The objective of these guidelines is to improve transparency on the risks related to climate change and the usefulness of this information for the financial sector, allowing it to take into account the risks related to climate and the way in which each organisation is managing them.TCFD report:...
In this chapter, we study climate-related risk disclosure in the European insurance sector by reviewing the literature to frame the analysis. Subsequently, we discuss climate-related risks and their disclosure in the insurance sector, and we analyze the regulatory framework, focusing on the European...
25 Policies that reduce incentives to adapt or that lock in only one adaptation pathway, restricting future actions, are also examples of maladaptation. Such negative effects can be seen in the case of the seawalls on Vanua Levu, Fiji, which were designed as a shield ag...
World View|21 January 2025 Why we still don’t know the mounting health risks of climate change Persistent exposure to heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and more will take a toll on people’s bodies. We must learn how this will manifest. ...