In these pages we provide a very general overview of UK weather and seasons. Obviously there are geographic differences in weather patterns through the UK that can be fairly dramatic. For instance, because it’s located at the extreme north of the island, Scotland can be much colder during bo...
The sun rises late and sets early.太阳升得迟而落得早。Our climate is not very good, but it's certainly interesting.虽然我们国家的气候并不很好,但又确实很有意思。It's our favourite subject of conversation.天气是我们最喜欢谈论的话题。New Words and Expressions:mild adjective UK /maɪld/...
Climate change has direct, widespread and long-lasting impacts on the structure and functioning of ecosystems globally2,3,5. This alters both market and non-market benefits that people derive from nature6. However, current economic estimates of climate-change damages that inform climate policy, such...
Time-series data are the best way to identify long-term changes in an ecosystem24. Ocean-colour sensors are known to perform quite differently to each other—even copies of the same sensor on a different satellite platform16. Thus, the 20-year MODIS-Aqua record, as the longest single-sensor...
Other fossil fuel projects could be under consideration by the German state-owned investment and development bank KfW. The bank does not disclose projects it hasn’t decided to support. UKcoal mine approval sparks global fury and hypocrisy claims ...
Landslide susceptibility mapping based on self-organizing-map network and extreme learning machine. Eng. Geol. 223, 11-22. [44] Hungr, O., Leroueil, S., Picarelli, L., 2014. The Varnes classification of landslide types, an update. ...
Given the 10 year anniversary of the UK Climate Change Act, it is timely that we take stock of progress with respect to climate adaptation policy. Using a critical discourse analysis of the 2012 and 2017 CCRAs, evidence on the process for compiling the CCRAs and interviews with relevant ...
The quality of the raw reads was explored and visualized by FastQC software (Version 0.4.2) ( Adapter sequences and low level quality base pairs were trimmed by Trimmomatic software (version 0.36) [21]. Pair-end reads from the pre...
We present new global maps of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification at an unprecedented 1-km resolution for the present-day (1980–2016) and for projected future conditions (2071–2100) under climate change. The present-day map is derived from an e
Fig. 2: Loss of ecoregion representation. The impact of excluding Russian research stations from the INTERACT network on the count of research stations across the range of high-latitude ecoregions covered by the network. The INTERACT research stations are represented in the map by squares, and th...