In Simple Terms, Climate Change Will Heat Up California CitiesLike San Diego weather?Stick around several decades and we all just might have it.A glimpse into...Krieger, Lisa M
While the so-called experts are blaming climate change—and in the process demanding that government grab even more power and authority ostensibly to someday give us better weather—the destructiveness of this fire was the product of an all-powerful and all-incompetent régime. …To review, a p...
Oliver Twist, in a London orphanage in 1837. At that time, there were approximately1.2 billion people on the planetand many went hungry. Nearly 200 years later, even more people are asking the same question. The world’s population has reached7.6 billion, but low-income families...
events to socially influenced water scarcity conditions, reframed as anthropogenic droughts66. In simple terms, increasing water supply does not necessarily result in drought palliation as droughts are a result of complex socio-hydrological dynamics. This concept is in tune with the one of ‘...
In general terms (Harte 1988), the energy absorbed by the Earth can be written as: EI= (1 – a) * Ω/4 ‘a' is planetary albedo (0.31, this is the proportion of incoming radiation reflected to space and lost); Ω is the solar constant (solar radiation reaching Earth, in Watts...
"In terms of the Paris agreement, whether we stay in or not is still under discussion," a senior White House official told reporters during a background briefing. When further asked how to describe the fight against climate change, the official said: "I think it's an issue that deserves ...
Brown and Ryan (2003) consider mindlessness as the relative absence of mindfulness, which, in simple terms, is found when individuals behave compulsively or automatically, without awareness of or attention to their behaviour (Deci and Ryan1980). ...
In yourGithub Codespaces settings, set up the relevant secrets (mostly MAPIT_API_KEY) and give the caps repo access to this secret. Then in thecaps repo, click the code dropdown (top right), and select the codespaces tab, then create new codespace. ...
Furthermore, evaluation by means of information criteria indicates that the inclusion of all five climate variables and the use of these numbers of lags provide a preferable trade-off between best-fitting the data and including further terms that could cause overfitting, in comparison with model ...
Using different SDM algorithms affects the absolute performance of the SDMs in terms of the specific test metric (AUC, TSS). However, it did not affect the relative difference in model performance between SDMs calculated from different predictor groups, confirming that the observed differences are ...