一月Climate & Weather Averages in Honolulu High Temp: 27 °C Low Temp: 19 °C Mean Temp: 23 °C Precipitation: 49.5 mm Humidity: 71% Dew Point: 17 °C Wind: 22 km/h Pressure: 1016 mbar Visibility: 17 km Quick Climate Info Hottest Month 八月 (28 °C avg) Coldest Month 一月 (23...
Climate information for Hawaii. Prevailing weather conditions, with data in Celsius and Fahrenheit, millimeters and inches. With tips on the best time to visit and what to pack in the suitcase
HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii’s governor and lawyers for youth plaintiffs on Thursday announced they settled a lawsuit alleging Hawaii violated the state constitution by operating a transportation system that harmed the climate and infringed upon the children’s right to a clean and healthy environment....
HONOLULU —Thirteen children and teens in Hawaii took the state government to court over the threat posed byclimate change. Now they’re celebrating a settlement that emphasizes a plan to decarbonize Hawaii’s transportation system in the next 20 years. It...
Currently:23 °C. Passing clouds. (Weather station: Honolulu International Airport, USA).See more current weather Annual Weather Averages in Honolulu International Airport Honolulu International Airport is 34 kilometers from Kahi Kani Park, so the actual climate in Kahi Kani Park can vary a bit....
Prevailing trade winds: Weather and climate in Hawati. M. Sanderson (ed.), University of Hawaii Press (Honolulu), 1993. No. of pages: ix + 126. Price: US$18.95 (paperback). ISBN 0 8248 1491 6No abstract is available for this article....
The city of Honolulufiled two lawsuitsagainst major oil and gas companies accusing them of engaging in a deceptive campaign and misleading the public about the dangers of their fossil fuel products and the environmental impacts. The oil companies have appealed to the Supreme Court in an attempt to...
How can visitors see the Kilauea's crater in Hawaii, 96 miles away from Kona. The nearest the park?main airport is Honolulu International Airport A. In a small plane.and there is also an airport in Hilo and an B. By taking Highway 11.airport in Kona. From Hilo, you can take C. ...
But Judge Jeffrey Crabtree in Honolulu rejected that argument in April 2023, saying the laws required timely planning and action to address climate change and that the state’s inactions had already harmed the plaintiffs. “Transportation emissions are increasing and will increase at the ...
HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii’s governor and lawyers for youth plaintiffs on Thursday announced they settled a lawsuit alleging Hawaii violated the state constitution by o…