“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is” Dr.Viner (2000) “DECREASE heavy snowstorms” @IPCC_CH (2001) climatism.wordpress.com/2019/11/18/sno A chance to cou...
Bank of England, KnowledgeBank. Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts 1 Our work offers both a call to action and a set of tools and methodologies to help assess the socioeconomic risks posed by climate ch...
Two of the towers were located length wise (Fig.1a) and instrumented with four 3D sonic anemometers (Gill Wind Master Pro, Gill Instrument, Lymington, England) each, installed at the same heights as the gas sample inlet ports to measure meteorological variables (wind speed, wind direction, a...
Meteorologist Ryan Maue has offered his take on why tropical development activity remains depressed: Floods Data For 2023/24 in England By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Sep 5, 2024 Floods Data For 2023/24 in England There is no evident pattern in the long-term data. Supe...
Donald Rumsfeld famously opined on the problems of decision-making in the face of “known knowns,”“known unknowns” and “unknown unknowns.” To those three categories Rayner added a fourth, “unknown knowns” — the things we actually know but pretend we don’t. He called this “uncomfor...
Hahaha. It’s going to get a bit windy in parts of northern Scotland and northeast England. Better secure your garden furniture. This never happened before we changed the climate. Even funnier. The Danes named it Otto: after Friederike Otto, the world famous Imperial College extreme weather at...
That’sthe family thanatograph you carry in your mind’s wallet like the sepia icons of saints, next to your ass at all times. (Have you ever wondered why we keep our valuables as close as possible to our centre of mass? The Aztecs must have known, because—with an understanding of ...
Wrong- it was once again us muslims who brought this culture to england. Once again no plattform for the truth and your denial. Then the muslim rapefest some years ago during new years day in many cities and many countries of europe. Once again themsm and politics successfully kept quiet ...
NASA climate data worse than discredited and embattled Climate Research Unit in England. 84. NASA greenhouse gas-gate (Climate Change Fraud) NASA scientists take the Stefan-Boltzmann blackbody numbers and multiply them by an additional factor of two to devise NASA’s official Earth energy budget. ...
Fig. 2. Line Graph of Articles Mentioning Climate Change from Each Source by Year. The results in Fig. 2 show that over time each of the news sources has followed similar upward trends that became far steeper following 2017. Both The Source and St. John Tradewinds are continuing to trend...