The expected signs for the control variables are derived from prior research. Specifically, we use Di Giuli and Kostovetsky (2014) as a reference point for firm characteristics and political affiliation. For county-level income and population, we rely on the findings of Kassinis and Vafeas (20...
SAGE II Stratospheric Aerosol Data Products; Technical Report; NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center: Hampton, VA, USA, 1998. Delwart, S.; Preusker, R.; Bourg, L.; Santer, R.; Ramon, D.; Fischer, J. MERIS inflight spectral calibration. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2007, 28, 479–...
Norfolk is in the heart of the Hampton Roads metropolitan area in southeast Virginia, and it is the home of the world’s largest naval base. This highly urbanized and low-lying city is located at the confluence of the James River, Elizabeth River, and Chesapeake Bay. Norfolk faces a ...