CLIMATE CONSULTANT可以直接EPW格式的气候数据。EPW格式是建筑能耗模拟软件EnergyPlus所采用的数据格式,包含了全球上万个地区的气候数据。EPW格式主要包括干球温度、湿球温度、相对湿度、大气压力、太阳辐射、风向、风速等数据。 CLIMATE CONSULTANT的另一个优势在提供了4个热舒适模型。 加州能源效益规程的热舒适模型,2013(...
Compared to the prior versions, the new Climate Consultant 3.0 is now written in Java making it compatible with both Mac and PC machines. Instead of using the older compressed TMY climate data, it now directly reads EPW files which include over a thousand new stations. It now also allows ...