In this study, high-resolution paleo-climatic data have been used to explore at a macroscale the effects of climate change on the outbreak of war and population decline in the preindustrial era. We show that long-term fluctuations of war frequency and population changes followed the cycles of ...
Oceanic iodine emissions increased in both ice cores at the onset of the Holocene (~11 kyr b2k; Fig.4) resulting from the interplay of different factors: (i) enhanced marine primary productivity in the Arctic46,54,55,56; (ii) dominant open water conditions in the subpolar North Atlantic...
While there are those who suggest that CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion are to blame for the significant shifts in global temperatures over the five different periods, the empirical science does not support the hypothesis that a trace atmospheric gas can cause abrupt changes. A more likely...
"There is really no option other than serious engagement with climate change," he said. In Mitter's opinion, one of the major changes that climate change is bringing to the world is "increasing inequality at its basic level," as many of the countries which have benefited greatly from indust...
This article presents a small community of High Arctic hunters (the Inughuit in North West Greenland) who have always had to negotiate climatic changes with great impact on their living conditions. This points us toward the natural-social entanglements implied in the notion of the Anthropocene,...
Joseph GiacomelliAssistant Professor of Environmental History, Duke Kunshan University Climate change has been a topic of debate for centuries. Back in the 1870s, there was also a growing awareness of the potential impacts of...
long been an agrarian country, agriculture has occupied the most important position in the national economy; an inquiry into the changes in the three main elements that constitute agriculture, and the influences these changes have had, is of special signif icance for its socioeconomic history. ...
Alarming Days - Early History of Climate Change It was during the 1980s that evident changes of global warming were seen visibly on the Earth’s surface. It was the time when people woke up to alarm bells realizing that the history of climate change was turning into a reality. ...
‘Fieldwork is hard work – hiking with all our equipment, often camping on permafrost – but very rewarding. You’re rescuing the archaeology, bringing the melting ice to wider attention, discovering a unique environmental history and really connecting with the natural environment,’ says Barrett....
This paper presents a 1.80-m-long varved sediment record documenting the vegetation history by pollen and diatom analysis recovered from Lake Pavin, a volcanic crater lake in the Auvergne (French Massif Central). High-resolution sampling and a varve-based age model allowed the reconstruction of eco...