Climate change is a "threat multiplier" and has posed a deep security concern in many countries by targeting the human security of different communities. Iraq is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This conceptual study ex...
"Climate change is a threat multiplier," Carrasco said. "So folks that are already vulnerable and experiencing the challenges that exist in the day-to-day life for low-income immigrant workers are now having to face additional challenges." Nashville, Tennessee: A "Latinx"...
Climate change amplifies existing social inequalities associated with environmental exposures and reproductive health, of which BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) communities bear a disproportionate burden. Through case studies, this article summarizes three examples of climate justice issues ...
A Threat Multiplier Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. The below chart from Marsh McLennan Advantage’sClimate Health Threat Illustratorshows that the dangerous impact on health is complex and varied. Climate change will exacerbate the burden of e...
“Climate change is a threat multiplier and will increase vulnerability and exacerbate other stresses including but not limited to pollution, conflict over resources, urbanization, habitat fragmentation, loss of tangible cultural heritable and the impact of unplanned or poorly managed tourism,” stated th...
"Most important, for all of us, is the recognition that deeds must follow words. Major armies and businesses have long recognized the need to prepare for climate-related risks, rightfully perceiving climate change as a threat multiplier," DiCarlo said. ...
(7) part from climate change”. Environmental problems have probably worsened the Darfuris’dreadful plight, offering grist to those who call climate change a “threat multiplier”. Average rainfall in the region fell abruptly (by a third or more) in the early 1970s and Darfur repeatedly ...
But climate change can be both a risk and an opportunity to achieve mission goals. Temperature extremes, drought, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events inflict costly harm on military installations and degrade key military capabilities. Climate change is also a threat multiplier that aggravates...
"We must understand climate change as one issue in a web of factors that can lead to conflict, can exacerbate conflict. Within this web, climate change acts as a threat multiplier, applying additional stress on prevailing political, social and economic pressure points." She warned that climate ...
Climate Change as a “Threat Multiplier”: The Construction of Climate Security by the United Kingdom—2007–2020 Chapter © 2023 The human dimension of climate change; revisiting the Commission on Climate Change and Development in the polycrisis context Article 12 June 2024 Towards climate...