encompassing key aspects of the business that are relevant to climate change, 3 Oracle Corporation CDP Climate Change Questionnaire 2023 Friday, July 28, 2023 including Real Estate and Facilities, Procurement, Supply Chain, Cloud Infrastructure, Human Resources, Finance, Legal, and Risk Management. C...
Demographic risk assessment and state‐dependent management will become increasingly important for harvested species, like polar bears, that exhibit spatiotemporal variation in their response to climate change.doi:10.1002/eap.2461John Wiley & Sons, LtdEcological Applications...
Each climate change parameter was assigned a point: (a) the inclusion of climate change into position statement or policy, (b) the establishment or committee or task force to promote sustainable healthcare, (c) membership in the consortium on sustainable healthcare or climate change, (d) educat...
Climate change has become one of the important factors affecting the structural changes of the financial system, and the risks related to climate change have also become one of the sources of financial risks. Based on the perspective of news reports, this paper constructs two climate risk indexes...
The Global Risks Report 20231 released by the World Economic Forum indicates that the failure of climate action will be the dominating global risk factor in the next decade. To address climate change, countries worldwide have actively participated in global climate governance by formulating and implem...
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2013 Click to access CCR-II-Full.pdf Summary:https://www.heartland.org/_template-assets/documents/CCR/CCR-II/Summary-for-Policymakers.pdf ...
Iterative risk management emphasizes that the process of anticipating and responding to climate change does not constitute a single set of judgments at any point in time; rather, it is an ongoing cycle of assessment, action, reassessment, learning, and response. ...
Climate Change Advisor for Shell Hello and welcome to my blog. There's lots said about why climate change now confronts us, and what it means, but the real issue is what to do about it. Plenty is said about that too, but there's not enough discussion on the practical aspects of imple...
Phoenix here can serve as a basic template, applied to other locations under similar UVI/heat conditions for health risk (and drought/fire danger): Washington and Oregon experienced 1.5-2.9 UVI points above average. This UV alert maps collage starts on June 13, skips 12 days then June 25-...
(regional to national) extents, fire occurrence to refer to spatiotemporal patterns of burning, and fire activity as a broad term to encompass both BA and fire occurrence. Drivers of fire activity are complex and include characteristics and flammability of fuels and vegetation; climate change and ...