Semmelmayer, PhilippNew Zealand Journal of Environmental Law
Footage shows the Duchess scolding the gathered crowd for not staying quiet during her address and berating them about climate change. …Celebrity guests in the audience included Heidi Klum, Kelly Rowland, Demi Moore and Cher… Struggling to be heard over the chattering crowd at a lavish villa i...
Despite widespread recognition among financial regulators and central banks that climate change may threaten financial stability, the causes and consequences of climate-related systemic financial risk remain underexplored. Stress testing has emerged as one of the most prevalent regulatory tools for addressing...
An example of transformational change urgently required in the HKH is enabling mountain women, left behind because of male out-migration, to emerge from being ‘frontline victims’ of climate change impacts to become ‘risk and resource managers’ with control over productive assets (Mishra et al....
I discussed this in a post last October, shortly after the Parties to the Montreal Protocol had agreed the Kigali Amendment which covers these refrigerants. While the list covers areas such as electricity generation, land use change and transport, it has very little to offer for industrial ...
I. China’s New Responses to Climate Change 二、实施积极应对气候变化国家战略 II. Implementing a National Strategy of Actively Responding to Climate Change 三、中国应对气候变化发生历史性变化 III. Significant Changes in China...
Joosten and Grey (2017) also reveal that though little attention is given to the integrations of climate change response mechanisms into the long term plans and policies, climate change will continue to have significant adverse impacts on rain-based agriculture in eastern Africa aggravating the ...
In this paper, we focus on challenges and opportunities for fisheries management in response to climate change in the US, while drawing lessons that could be applicable in other regions. In US federal waters (3–200 nm from the coast), fisheries management is implemented by the National ...
Climate Change (CC) adaptation and mitigation policy coherence (PC) across sectors is essential to effectively address CC challenges and support synergies.
Climate Change (IPCC) highlights that achieving net-zero global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 is the essential pathway to keep the rise to Paris Agreement targets (IPCC2023). Countries (e.g., USA and Canada), in response, have emphasized the potential of implementing natural climate ...