1 February 2011 Claudine Haenni Dale Session overview Climate change – Facts – Impact and consequences Human Ri ht challenges H Rights h ll Internal displacement and migration – Definitions – Facts – Legal framework Climate change Facts: – There has been a change in climate (consensus) Rainf...
Climate change presentation BradMelodyOliviaRebecca Whatwecandotoprevent Currentsituation 1.Currentclimatechangesituation Whatwecandotopreventclimatechange Venezuela China 1.Currentclimatechangesituation Whatwecandotopreventclimatechange Angola USA 1.Currentclimatechangesituation Whatwecandotopreventclimatechange 2....
Globalclimatechange Thisgraph,basedonthecomparisonofatmosphericsamplescontainedinicecoresandmorerecentdirectmeasurements, providesevidencethatatmosphericCO2hasincreasedsincetheIndustrialRevolution.(Source:NOAA) Muchoftheinformationfromthispresentationcomesfrom: http://climate.jpl.nasa.gov/ http://climate.jpl.nasa....
types of climate(英语presentation演讲ppt)[精品].ppt,Types of climate 寒带气候 Arctic Climate 温带气候 temperate climate 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate 热带气候 Tropical Climate 山地气候 mountain climate 季风气候 monsoon climate 高原气候 plateau climate
Short Background on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases Dr Ruth Nussbaum ProForest Presentation to the RSPO GHG WG2 meeting in Feb 2010. GLOBAL WARMING By: Jennifer Travis. What is Global Warming? Global Warming is the increase in the temperature of the worlds atmosphere caused by greenhous...
气候变化 Climate Change CLIMATECHANGE WorldMeteorologicalOrganization Age10-14 Introduction Haveyounoticedthattoday,everyonespeaksaboutclimatechange?Learnfromthispresentationandbetheonewhoknowsbest!Beforeexplainingwhatclimatechangeis,doyouknowthedifferencebetweenweatherandclimate?TheWeather Weatherdescribeswhateverishappening...
[New HIS on ICTs and Climate Change] DOCUMENT #: GSC13-PLEN-46 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: TTC AGENDA ITEM: Opening/Plenary 6.9 CONTACT(S): Shiro NISHI, You SOMEMURA [New HIS on ICTs and Climate Change] Proposal to Standardize Methodology for Evaluating Energy Saving Impact of ICT Services ...
Behind the Consensus Whatever your views on climate change, it's important to understand how the current scientific consensus on global warming evolved out of basic physical principles and a broad range of observations. In a lucid presentation designed for nonscientists, you will learn about: The ...
(e.g. Climate change affects people, animals, and the environment. Stronger hurricanes and severe heat waves threaten human life; higher ocean temperatures cause coral reefs and ocean life to suffer; and droughts weaken forests.) Unit 2 Changing Climate, Changing Minds Land Underwater! LISTENING ...
1. climate change 2. had to travel greater distances to find food 3. bears could not hunt 4. its dead body found 5. low sea-ice levels 6. starved to death Para 2: Mind map Para 3: Create a diagram describing how...