Climate-change policy encompasses policies formulated specifically to tackle climate change and can be local, national or international in scope. These broadly fall into two categories; those designed to minimise the extent of climate change – climate change mitigation – and those intended to minimise...
Why farmers are beginning to take their government to court over climate change How a Swiss lawsuit is recasting agriculture’s role in climate policy. Charlotte E. Blattner ,Robert Finger &Karin Ingold News|27 January 2025 Extreme heat will kill millions of people in Europe without rapid action...
Laws and policy to stop climate change and global warming, including wildfire prevention, carbon limits, cap and trade, carbon tax, flood prevention, emergency mitigation, land use, migration, immigration.
Articles about climate change policies have been plentiful, but some aspects of the state-level policy analysis are still sparse because most policies have only been proposed within the past decade. The primary research goal of this dissertation, comprised of three essays, is to analyze state-...
Policy timeline:The Chinese government has released relatively few details about its decarbonisation roadmap to reach its 2060 net zero target. China relies heavily on its five-year plans to manage its economic development, but climate change arguably requires more comprehensive planning that en...
REYKJAVIK , Iceland (AP) — Climate change is top of the agenda when voters in Iceland head to the polls for general elections on Saturday, following an exceptionally warm summer and an election campaign defined by a wide-reaching debate on global warming. All nine parties running for seats ...
Welcome to the Foreword for my Climate Change Policy blog posts. If you want a quick overview or pointers on which posts might address your specific interests, this is the place. While I've had a strong interest in Global Warming/Climate Change for about
While humanity has long adapted to various climatic conditions, climate change is happening faster today than before and is giving rise to conditions that could threaten the habitability of some of the planet’s most populated areas. Given the magnitude and systemic nature of ...
Global and Planetary Change Volume 21, Issue 4, September 1999, Pages 237–239 About ScienceDirect Contact and support Terms and conditions Privacy policy Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Cooki...
“With climate change, some parts of the planet will become uninhabitable,” said German scientist Hans-Otto Pörtner, co-chair of Working Group II for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which produced the report released in Berlin… …Increased heat waves, droughts and floods...