Climate change refers to a statistically defined change in the average and/or variability of the climate system, this includes the atmosphere, the water cycle, the land surface, ice and the living components of Earth. The definition does not usually require the causes of change to be attributed...
our results suggest that rural trees in subtropical regions will be the first of the non-urban areas to encounter conditions were tree growth rates will decline due to climate change. While such a pattern was not detected for the other investigated ...
In April 2018, China adjusted the functions of relevant government departments, and put the newly established Ministry of Ecology and Environment in charge of responding to climate change, thus reinforcing the coordination betwe...
Isn't climate change just another problem we face? It's as if today we say "since we changed our light bulbs and got a hybrid car, so now we should get cooler weather this summer, yes?" When dealing with any science, there should be none of this chit-chat thinking. No give and ...
The goal was to obtain a comprehensive overview that can inform climate change mitigation measures for future university campuses. The results of this study are particularly relevant in light of reports of high temperatures and heat waves in the northern hemisphere during the summer of 2022 and ...
Current Climate Change Reports provides concise review articles on a wide range of topical subjects in the field of climate change. By providing insightful and balanced contributions the journal strives to highlight key topics that are on the cutting edge of climate change research. All articles are...
根据第三段Wesawtheoppositepatterninoursecondstudy.Themoreexposurepeoplehadtothesethreateningnewsstorieseachday,themorelikelytheyaretothinkthattheycanmake a differenceintacklingclimatechange,(我们在第二项研究中看到了相反的模式。人们每天接触这些威胁性新闻的次数越多,他们就越有可能认为自己可以在应对气候变化方面...
Energy and Climate Change refers to the relationship between energy systems and the impact they have on the Earth's climate, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and their contribution to global warming. AI generated definition based on: Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004 ...
Climate-change policy encompasses policies formulated specifically to tackle climate change and can be local, national or international in scope. These broadly fall into two categories; those designed to minimise the extent of climate change – climate change mitigation – and those intended to minimise...
Climate change adaptation strategies adopted by pastoralists in rangelands in Golestan province, Iran Bahareh Behmanesh Mohsen Sharaftmandrad Hossein Badripour ResearchOpen Access20 Jan 2025Scientific Reports Volume: 15, P: 2496 News and Comment ...