Impacts of Climate Change on PNW HydropowerMarkoff, Matt
So the models are not ‘wrong’, they’re just not fit for the purpose of simulating past and future climate change and thus informing climate policy, precisely because they do not accurately simulate natural internal variability which is large over decadal and multidecadal reference periods compared...
pnwforestswaterclimate水资源resources Climaticvariability,land-coverchange,andforesthydrologyinthePacificNorthwestDavidW.PetersonJISAOClimateImpactsGroupForestHydrologyCurrentResearch:Climate–Water–ForestInteractionsClimateWaterForestsWaterandecosystemproductivityAnnualOutflowGrossphotosynthesisNumericTerradynamicsSimulationGroupUn...
As a basis for estimating the potential impacts of future climate change on natural resources in the Pacific Northwest, we have performed quantitative analyses of the impacts of past variations. In particular, the low-frequency variations of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) provide a useful ...
Based on assumptions that historical patterns of reservoir dynamics and operation will continue, and that regulatory thresholds will not change, the risk of thermal exceedance was projected to increase by an average of 0.27 and extend into late-spring and fall (average change in duration of 10.3 ...
Chapter 13 Climate Variability, Climate Change, and Western Wildfire with Implications for the Urban–Wildland Interface We investigated relationships between the two dominant modes of climate variability affecting the PNW, which are Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO...
Like most of the western US, climate can vary considerably with elevation in the Blue Mountains Ecoregion, a 7.2 Mha ecoregion in the Pacific Northwest (Omernik, 1987), and the effects of climate change may vary greatly across elevation gradients. In order to understand the range of ...
the pollen season start day of the year (sDOY) and end day of the year (eDOY)) is estimated directly from temperature (see “Methods”), driving three categories of change in the pollen season at the end-of-century due to greenhouse gas warming (Fig.1, and conceptualized in Fig.2a–...
The sensitivity of Alexandrium blooms to environmental conditions that are modulated by the local and regional climate has led to the hypothesis that climate variability and change may contribute to the interannual differences and long-term increase in shellfish toxicity in Puget Sound. Moore et al....
Impacts of 21st‐Century Climate Change on Hydrologic Extremes in the Pacific Northwest Region of North America Climate change projections for the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region of North America include warmer temperatures ( T ), reduced precipitation ( P ) in summer... IM Tohver,AF Hamlet,Se...