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4.Mechanism of Climate Change: - Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun in the Earth's atmosphere, creating a "greenhouse effect." This process leads to an increase in the Earth's average temperature, known as global warming. 5.Impact of Global Warming on Climate: ...
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India is experiencing and far unprecedented more frequently climate spells change and of covering hot in terms weather much of larger areas. Global mean temperatures have risen by 0.6°C in the last century, with the last decade being the warmest on record. Global environmental issues such as la...
rise in global temperature and disrupts all habitats. Global warming leads to serious climate change that has caused catastrophic effects like hurricanes, melting glaciers, drastic change in rainfall patterns, depletion of the ozone layer that puts so many beings at harm as they are constantly ...
InstituteofAtmo- sphericPhysics(LASG/IAP)canbetracedbacktothe 1980s.Theprimarymotivationfordevelopingsuchan OGCMistobuildacoupledatmosphere—oceanmode1. aSwellastostudytheoceancirculation.Sincethefirst 4一layer.baroclinicOGCMhasbeenestablishedinthe later1980s(ZhangandLiang,1989),thefamilyof LASG/IAPocean...
millennialscale c limate change.M any c limate models with different levels of complexity are able to reproduce the evo . 1ution of g loba1 and h em isphe ri c m ea n surf ace air te mpe ra — ture fSAT 1 ch anges duri ng th e last millenniu m when driven by historica...
Our aim is to ensure that the students are able to understand each and every question in an easy way. We take pride in providing quality educational services to the students of Class VII to Class XI Science NCERT, English, Computer solutions, Mathematics, Business Studies & Economics. Our ...
Step by step video, text & image solution for Recently, the Inter-Governmental panel on Climate Change shared the Nobel Prize with who of the following ? by General Knowledge experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.Updated on:21/07/2023Class...