Effects of climate change in the developing countries, UK Meteorological Office.M. Sanderson, J. Intsiful, J. Lowe, V. Pope, F. Smith, R. Jones, Effects of Climate Change in the Developing Countries, Met Office Hadley-Centre report, UK, 2006....
As the largest developing country in the world, China has adopted a number of policies, measures and actions to tackle climate change and take part in global climate governance, despite the difficulties this creates for it...
ORIGINALPAPER Age-structure,urbanization,andclimatechange indevelopedcountries:revisitingSTIRPAT fordisaggregatedpopulationandconsumption-related environmentalimpacts BrantLiddle • SidneyLung Publishedonline:2February2010 ÓSpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2010 AbstractWefocusonthreeenvironmentalimpactsparticularlyinflue...
Developing countries dispute use of figures on climate change impacts. Nature 376, 374 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1038/376374b0 Download citation Issue Date03 August 1995 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1038/376374b0 This article is cited by Exchange Rates and Climate Change: An Application of Fund ...
Poverty and Climate Change: Assessing Impacts in Developing Countries and the Initiatives of the International Community. TheMcGuigan, C., Reynolds, R. and Wiedmer, D. (2002). Poverty and climate change: assessing impacts in developing countries and the initiatives of the inte...
CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION IN THE ENERGY AND FORESTRY SECTORS OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES and Ravindranath, N.H.: 1998, 'Climate change mitigation in the energy and forestry sectors of developing countries', Ann. Rev. Energy & Env. 23 ,...
Coastal areas in developing countries already suffer coastal erosion in developing countries situation of coastal areas is the worst due to human-induced pressures on environmental and absence of sustainable development. The inevitability of climate change highlights the importance of adaptation. Climate ...
NGOs have emerged as key players in raising climate change awareness and are often more effective than governments due to their agility and ability to leverage resources efficiently. In developing countries, where traditional media coverage of climate change has been limited [26], NGOs have emerged...
Moreover, the above issues have been well recognized, but the literature has paid scant attention to developing countries, especially in the African case. We fill this gap by analyzing the case of Egypt as one of the most vulnerable developing countries to climate change, primarily due to its...
Cities and Climate Change in Developing Countries Edited byJose A Puppim de Oliveira,Shahjahan Bhuiyan 29 October 2024 Unlocking Insights into Urban Climate with the Application of Spatio-Temporal Big Data Edited byZhou Huang,Sisi Zlatanova,Yongze Song,Mingshu Wang,Linna Li,Yao Yao ...