3月20日,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布了第六次评估报告的综合报告 《气候变化2023》(AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023)(简称《报告》)[1],以近8000页的篇幅详细阐述了全球温室气体排放不断上升造成的全球变暖所导致的毁灭性后果。 IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)图源:IPCC 历经八年,《报告》...
This material is sourced from the “IPCC 4th Report Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability.” 1. Current knowledge about observed impacts of climate change on the natural and human environment. ×The IPCC 4th Report Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability summary looks at the...
IPCC. (2014). Climate change 2014: Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: Global and sectoral aspects. In C. B. Field, V. R. Barros, D. J. Dokken, K. J. Mach, M. D. Mastrandrea, T. E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K. L. Ebi, Y. O. Estrada, R. C. Genova, B. Gir...
“The latest IPCC report makes clear that the impacts of climate change have well and truly arrived. While adapting to these and future impacts is of huge importance, the report also makes clear that mitigation remains a priority, in order to minimise the extent of the risks posed. “The bu...
SYDNEY, March 2 (Xinhua) -- Against a backdrop of catastrophic flooding along Australia's east coast, an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has warned that societies must adapt to the imminent reality of climate change. ...
The latest report from the IPCC highlights the dramatic toll warming has taken on the world's water.
"One of the most urgent areas for action is the world's coastal cities," said IPCC Working Group II Co-Chair Debra Roberts, in an exclusive interview with Xinhua. "They are at the forefront of experiencing some of the most immediate climate change impacts." ...
Forestation can be a valuable tool for mitigating climate change. Using an Earth System Model, Moustakis et al. show that ambitious deployment in the range of country pledges can mitigate global temperature under an overshoot pathway by 0.2 oC, but highlight the associated socioeconomic tradeof...
In its sixth assessment report, issued in 2023, the IPCC confidently predicts that “deep, rapid and sustained mitigation, and accelerated implementation of adaptation actions” would reduce the adverse impacts of climate change on humans and ecosystems. The panel noted that since its fifth assessment...
A number of studies have provided quantitative assessments of the potential climate change impacts on crop production in Asia. Estimates take into account (a) uncertainty in the level of climate change expected, using a range of climate change scenarios;