Ye, L., and Coauthors, 2012: Climate change impact on China food security in 2050. Agronomy for Sustainable Development , : 10.1007/s13593-012-0102-0.Ye, L., and Coauthors, 2012: Climate change impact on China food security in 2050. Agronomy for Sustain- able Development, doi: 10.1007...
Climate change is now affecting global agriculture and food production worldwide. Nonetheless the direct link between climate change and food security at the national scale is poorly understood. Here we simulated the effect of climate change on food security in China using the CERES crop models and...
The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China clear assessment of the impact of anthropogenic climate change on China's water resources and agriculture and therefore China's ability to feed its people... S Piao,P Ciais,Y Huang,... - 《Nature》 被引量: 2434发表...
Keywords:climatechange;impactassessment;adaptationmeasure;uncertainty;CentralChina Citation:Ren,Y.一J.,J.-X.Cui,S.-Q.Wan,eta1.,2013:ClimatechangeimpactsoncentralChinaandadaptation measures.Adv.Clim.ChangeRes.,4(4),doi:10.3724/SP.J.1248.2013.215. ...
What is the potential impact of such an event? 此事件的潜在影响是什么? Requires: 要求: Good understanding of current 对当前要有充分的了解 sensitivity / vulnerability 敏感性/脆弱性 How climate will change 气候将如何变化 Understanding of current 对当前的认识 sensitivity / vulnerability 敏感性/脆弱...
A general equilibrium analysis of the impact of climate change on agriculture in the People's Republic of China This paper examines the potential long-term impacts of global climate change on agricultural production and trade in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Using an economy-wide, globa...
In recent decades, climate change impact of the variations in water resources and agricultural production in China has attracted more and more attention. Based on the national division of statistics data, this study analyzed the impact of flood and drought damages on the agricultural production to ...
Xia said, China has strengthened climate change impact and risk assessment, deepened the pilot construction of climate-adapted cities, and promoted climate change adaptation in vulnerable regions such as the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the Yellow River Basin....
ClimateImpactResearch,14412Potsdam,Germany ContributedbyHansJoachimSchellnhuber,July4,2019(sentforreviewAugust6,2018;reviewedbyYiMingandGeetaG.Persad) Inrecentyears,airpollutionhascausedmorethan1milliondeaths peryearinChina,makingitamajorfocusofpublichealthefforts. However,futureclimatechangemayexacerbatesuchhuman ...
China, since mid-2010 the world's second biggest economy and tipped to become the biggest in a few decades, has tremendous climatic and ecological diversity. The likely impact of China's economic expansion on the global climate has been extensively studi