Flooding is always a potential hazard. The short, swift streams of Galicia and Cantabria, draining to the northwestern and northern coasts, respectively, have only a slight or, at most, modest summer minimum. The predominant fluvial regime in Spain is thus characterized by a long or very long...
The hydrological cycle is expected to intensify with global warming, which likely increases the intensity of extreme precipitation events and the risk of flooding. The changes, however, often differ from the theorized expectation of increases in water‐holding capacity of the atmosphere in the warmer...
"Climate change could have lots of different impacts on some of these buildings. So some of the buildings might not necessarily have flooding issues, but they may have issues related to moisture and things like that which could have an impact on buildings and artefacts within them,...
Business news and video related to climate change and global warming, climate change stocks, clean energy, clean tech, climate policy, ESG, climate pledges, green business, adaptation, solar, wind power, nuclear, and more.
coastal communities indicates that up to 70% of residents will be exposed daily to shallow and emerging groundwater by approximately 2100. This threat further exacerbates the impacts of other coastal stressors, such as flooding, beach erosion and subsidence, under expected future climate change ...
Co-production Story map Coastal flooding Sea-level rise User needs Climate service product Practical implications In order to manage and adapt to the consequences of climate change, awareness raising among the general public is often a starting point of the adaptation process (ClimateADAPT, 2015). ...
plague some countries, droughts others. Onsome predictions, climate change flooding could make around 100–200 million people permanently homeless by 2100. Ironically, even in a world of rising sea levels and often more severe rainfall, manymore people are expected to suffer severe water shortages....
climate change and population growth to future US flood risk (Fig.4a). The average annual exposure (AAE) of the current US population to flooding is 3.63 million (1.18%). Climate change is projected to increase the AAE of present populations to 4.31 million (1.41%), an increase of 18.6%...
Reviews04 Feb 2025Nature Climate Change Volume: 15, P: 138-146 Coral reef restoration can reduce coastal contamination and pollution hazards Risk of sewage and petrochemical contamination from flooding along 460 km long coastline of Florida can be reduced by coral reef restoration, with a potentia...
Already at threat from rising sea levels, cyclones, droughts, and flooding, it's estimated that by 2050, one in seven people in Bangladesh will be displaced by climate change. The CVF is consequently demanding developed nations also do much more to pay for the disproportionate...