Elevated CO_2 can have a compensatory effect on crop yield for C3 crops (wheat and rice), but it can be offset by heat and drought. In contrast, elevated CO_2 only benefits C4 plants (maize, millet and sorghum) under drought stress. Under the most severe climate change scenario and ...
two SSPs; (2) assess the impact of future climate change on crop phenology, yield, water balance components, Crop Water Productivity (CWP), and Net Groundwater Use (NGU); and (3) explore how the projected climate change leads to the variations of crop yield and water use in the basin....
Scientists now have a new tool to predict the future effects of climate change on crop yields. Researchers from University of Illinois are attempting to bridge two types of computational crop models to become more reliable predictors of crop production in the U.S. Corn Belt. ...
Many studies have estimated the adverse effects of climate change on crop yields, however, this literature almost universally assumes a constant geographic distribution of crops in the future. Movement of growing areas to limit exposure to adverse climat
Solar geoengineering (SG) and CO2 emissions reduction can each alleviate anthropogenic climate change, but their impacts on food security are not yet fully understood. Using an advanced crop model within an Earth system model, we analysed the yield responses of six major crops to three SG technolo...
Climate change and crop yields One degree over Data from crop trials underline the threat climate change poses to farmers As high as an elephant’s eye?FOR a scientist, there are few happier accidents than finding a trove of data that were gathered for other purposes, but which apply to ...
Agricultural systems are highly sensitive to climate change. Most studies focus on the effect of heat and water availability on crop yields, but little is known about the impact of changes in intra-seasonal climate variability (particularly challenging in mountain regions). Also, beyond the effect ...
2.4. Projecting impacts of future climate change on rainfed rice cultivation We incorporated outputs for 2050 from two IPCC RCPs scenarios (2.6. and 8.5, representing the lowest and highest radiative forcing) and from three climate models: BCC-CSM1.1, HadGEM2-ES and MIROC-ESM-CHEM. For each ...