“With climate change, some parts of the planet will become uninhabitable,” said German scientist Hans-Otto Pörtner, co-chair of Working Group II for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which produced the report released in Berlin… …Increased heat waves, droughts and floods...
Despite the acceleration of climate change, erroneous assumptions of climate stationarity are still inculcated in the management of water resources in the United States (US). The US system for drought detection, which triggers billions of dollars in emergency resources, adheres to this assumption wi...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Posted inClimate change,Foreign Aid,Global warming, taggedClimate change,Foreign Aid,Global warmingon June 2, 2023|1 Comment » If asked to name things that get support from well-meaning people, but in practice often operate as scams, I would listforeign aidandclimate change. So what happens...
It's that time of year again: students and their families are busy preparing for the start ofschool, while some of us are gearing up to step in front of the classroom. While preparing to teach an intro course onclimate, I'm reminded of why we use the termclimate changeand not global...
This definition reinforces (强化) the idea that there’s no reason to panic or change our current energy-intensive (能源集中型) lifestyle. All society needs to do is look to green technology to work its magic.(技术乐观主义可以定义为相信未来的技术将解决我们当前的所有问题。这个定义强化了一种...
physical risk is a huge issue in closing the protection gap. But on the transition risk, if I step back and think through the macro problem, it’s actually about: how do you transition the installed base of the economy—which is today, by definition, high carbon—in an orderly fashion ...
Natural revegetation, afforestation, and lignocellulosic crops for bioenergy, possibly coupled with a developing technology like carbon capture and storage, are the most common land-based climate change mitigation options. However, they can compete for l
Climate change studies involve complex processes translating coarse climate change projections in locally meaningful terms. We analysed the behaviour of weather generators while downscaling precipitation and air temperature data. With multiple climate indices and alternative weather generators, we directly quanti...
Nature Climate Change Policy Brief 09 Mar 2023 Sections Figures References Abstract Main Definition of residual emissions Amounts of residual emissions Expectations of carbon removal via LULUCF Sources of residual emissions Discussion Methods Data availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics...