2018_Full_Climate_Change_Dataset.csv2021-01-19167.78MB 2020_Full_Climate_Change_Dataset.csv2021-01-19304.87MB 文档 CDP - Unlocking Climate Solutions City-Business Collaboration for a Sustainable Future1. Overview CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their ...
In this dataset, we have include several files: Global Land and Ocean-and-Land Temperatures (GlobalTemperatures.csv): Date: starts in 1750 for average land temperature and 1850 for max and min land temperatures and global ocean and land temperatures LandAverageTemperature: global average land ...
working with gridded climate variables is not a trivial task, often requiring high computation effort. Therefore, we also developed a catchment-scale version of the dataset in order to assist climate-change impact studies/applications (Fig.1) for both scientific ...
ClimateManylabs_Datacontains the single raw data files (i.e. all of the submitted datasets from all of the collaborators in a compressed form - countries_rawdata.7z), the merged raw dataset (data_raw.csv), the cleaned dataset (data_countries.csv), an additional cleaned version without the ...
The Global Summary of the Year (GSOY) dataset offers historical weather data by city and station. For this tutorial, we will use data from Berkeley, CA. You can choose your preferred city if you wish. Data will be loaded with read_csv. The first argument is the file path, while the ...
This dataset is available at https://private-jets.fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com/private_jets/all.csv. Based on ADS-B Exchange data and unique hex codes, it was determined that there were 25,993 aircraft in December 2023. This compares to industry figures pointing to 23,369 business jets in ...
| Show Table DownLoad: CSV Land use and topographical attributes were also considered in the study. The Climate Change Initiative LC dataset (CCI-LC) from ESA (https://maps.elie.ucl.ac.be/CCI/viewer/download.php#ftp_dwl; 1992–2015; 300 m resolution) was used as a categorical varia...
Every sub-folder describes a particular table format from the larger COBECORE dataset. In addition, for testing and scalability purposes I've included three test images of the ReData Zooniverse project which aims at recovering Italian climate data....
Global environmental change has been a topic of discussion in the media for many decades, and social perception of media terminology has been a topic of research interest. However, a systematic review of large-scale online discussions and the terminology used has not been undertaken. Here, we an...
Tagged climate change Try Again! Posted on January 17, 2025 | 8 comments UPDATE: Thanks to those who tested it, it’s now working! To reader Jacques: The line starting “fout =” only defines the filename. It’s the line starting with “#write.csv” which actually saves that file ...