Climate change is the single most prominent abiotic stress factor that yields to devastating effects on flora, fauna, and geography alike. It initiates a cascade of events, ultimately leading to the destruction of the biogeographical platform for the growth of plants throughout the globe. The ...
A. (2014). Climate change and plant disease. In N. K. Van Alfen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems (pp. 232–243). Oxford: Academic Press. Chapter Google Scholar Hindsborg, J., & Kristensen, A. R. (2019). ...
Plant Responses to Climate Change Stressors As a plant, I have experienced the impact of climate change stressors firsthand. The changing climate has brought about a range of challenges that have affected my growth, reproduction, and overall survival. One of the most significant stressors that ...
Nature Climate Change is dedicated to publishing the most significant research across the physical and social sciences on the impacts of global climate change and its implications for the economy, policy and the world at large.
currents flow along the western edge of subtropical oceans, transporting heat polewards, and are integral in the climate system. Using high-resolution models, this work shows that western boundary currents will shift shorewards as a result of increased stratification driven by climate change. ...
Climate Change Responses no longer receives submissions. BMC will continue to host an archive of all articles previously published in the journal. All ...
advancedleafunfoldinganddelayedleafcoloringduetoclimatechange,yetthese trendsappeartohavedeceleratedor even reversed in recent years. Our understand‐ ing of the mechanisms underlying the plant phenology responses to climate warming is still limited. The interactions between multiple drivers complicate the model...
Phytotoxic effects of cyanobacteria extract on the aquatic plant Lemna gibba: Microcystin accumulation, detoxication and oxidative stress induction The occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria in the aquatic environment constitutes a serious risk for the ecological balance and the functioning of ecosystems. T......
Plant response to temperature in northern Alaska: implications for predicting vegetation change. Ecology 86, 1562–1570 (2005). Article Google Scholar Song, J. et al. A meta-analysis of 1,119 manipulative experiments on terrestrial carbon-cycling responses to global change. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 3...
Temperature overshoot responses to ambitious forestation in an Earth System Model Forestation can be a valuable tool for mitigating climate change. Using an Earth System Model, Moustakis et al. show that ambitious deployment in the range of country pledges can mitigate global temperature under an ove...